Tuesday, September 10, 2024

His Sacrifice Has Given My Future Dreams A Chance


As I grow older, I want to be able to look forward to the future of this country, my home that I love. To be able to spend my elder years watching as the United States moves forward toward the goal of becoming a more perfect union. That goal has been in dire danger from things like Project 2025 and some people’s desire to fall backward into a new dark age. If not for the recent sacrifice of President Joseph Robinette Biden, a man who has dedicated his entire adult life to making America better, the future would loom very bleak.
It's one thing for a politician to say they will sacrifice for the good of the nation. Biden actually demonstrated this by sacrifice his career for the sake of truth and our country. When he realized that continuing his race could result in re-electing Trump, he made a decision that went against his own self-interest and personal ambitions. That sacrifice gave me hope for the future. That makes him a real American hero in my eyes.
The issue was never Biden’s competency. He accomplished a great deal during his presidency. He increased infrastructure funding, green jobs, and protected Obama Care. Right now, President Biden continues working on the situation in Gaza on keeping the government working so he can hand over functioning institutions in January. He was asked to step aside simply because of Ageism.
Thank you President Joseph Robinette Biden. You did the most unselfish act in American history in order to protect American Democracy. I now have a reason to hope my country will continue advancing forward. Your unselfish sacrifice has given me a chance to get my wish and live to see a better future. In my opinion, Biden qualifies as a true American hero. I know history will look kindly on him and what he has done for us all.


Sarah Raplee said...

Politics aside, Ageism is definitely a problem in our society, Barbara. And seeing elected officials put their country above their personal ambitions is truly inspiring.

Diana McCollum said...

I agree with your blog post!