Saturday, October 5, 2024

Beware: The Internet and Eternity

The week after Labor Day Weekend I received an email from a woman in Ohio asking whether there was a Women of the 14th Moon Gathering in her area. 

Why did she contact me? She'd Googled "Women of the 14th Moon - Spiritual" and this is what showed up.

Aug 3, 2012  Women of the 14 th Moon is about women coming together: leaving husbands, children, significant others, jobs – their responsibilities behind.

Yep, my Romancing The Genres blog post from 2012.

In case you are curious, click the link in the Google search and voila, it will magically appear. 

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© 2024 Judith Ashley

1 comment:

Diana McCollum said...


Could you tell me more about the women of the 14th moon? Are there rituals, or classes or what happens at the gatherings?
Thank you , Diana