By Paty Jager

This leap into genres I’ve yet to write and hoping my
readers will follow me has me a bit anxious. But these are stories and
characters that are calling to me much stronger than any historical westerns. I believe to write a good book you have to be
fully invested in it and that’s why I follow the path my muse takes me whether
it’s historical, contemporary, western, or Native American.
The one thing I do stay true to is there is either a western
or Native American element in the series. The action/adventure has a heroine
who is an anthropologist that specializes in studying Native Americans. And the
mystery will have a Native American woman who grew up on a cattle ranch that is
the amateur sleuth.
I’m hoping that by staying true to my original promise to my
readers of a western or Native American influence in the stories they will find
these new ventures just as fun to read.
The other reoccurring theme in my stories is justice. Mysteries always
have a satisfying ending, in that justice does prevail and the action/adventure will
also bring about justice.
This leap into new genres is expanding my research, my
writing skills, and making me have to do something I’ve not done before while
writing a book- Plotting. Writing a mystery requires more attention to details
that need to be masked so the reader after they finish the book can say, “Oh
yeah, I should have seen that.” So these
new genres are expanding me as a writer and I’m looking forward to the
Have you decided to take a leap this year? If so, what is
What an exciting leap, Paty! I like that you are remaining true to your readers while expanding your writing horizons...not necessarily easy but I'm sure it will be rewarding.
Two things I'm Leaping Into this year...our sister blog Romance From The Genre-istas (launching 02/11/2012 and the wonderful world of Queries and Submissions. (I've focused on my writing with limited submissions until now).
Best wishes to both of us for safe and productive landings!
It is leap year, isn't it? I've 'leaped' from historicals to contemps--still within the cowboy genre so not as out there as your leap, but it's been fun. I still have western historicals releasing this year, but will also have modern day cowboys and girls kicking up their heels and falling in love.
Cheers to 2012!
Sounds like you've got alot going which is great. To me an author needs a lot of different works in their arsenal. I once sat in a Beverly Jenkins program and she said when publishers asked "Can you write that?" She'd say matter what. So I think you're doing the right thing. Try it branch out, who knows you at least have a back list. Go for it.
I'm thinking a time travel.
Hi, Paty: congratulations on your leap this year. May you have tons of fun.
My big leap will be a river rafting trip in Idaho this summer. I've never done it and can't wait.
yep--gonna write a paranormal time travel....brewery based, of course.
great post!
Thanks Judith, Your leaps sound like a great push for your writing.
Lauri, I can genuinely say your leap into contemporary westerns is going to be a good one for you. ;)
Nan, Thanks for the info. I agree, a writer needs to be flexible. Good luck with your time travel.
HI Vicki, Rafting in Idaho sounds like fun! I rafted the Snake River in Hell's Canyon on my Senior Trip in High School. It was a blast!
Liz, Great leap!
Paty, best of luck. I'm sure your readers will follow you plus you'll gain new readers. I also have ventured into mystery with one pubbed on Kindle and one cozy series with an editor. As you mentioned, they share with my western romances the fact that they are set in Texas and that the protagonist in each is part Cherokee (as am I). Isn't it a blessing to have more ideas for books than you can ever write?
Caroline, I'll have to check out your mystery. Yes, I have way more ideas than time to write!
Enjoyed your blog! I may have time to take a leap into regency or Victorian romance writing this summer. Need to do some research for it, but I've want to write this story for a long time.
Good luck with your leap!
Enjoy the leap! I think it's important as a writer to challenge yourself.
I am, Paty! I've written American historicals, time travels and even vampires stories in an historical setting, but I've also been writing short contemporary stories for a couple of magazines over the last few years and find I like the genre switch. It's refreshing to switch back and forth between historical and contemporary settings. Right now I'm working on a contemporary Christmas story that I'm hoping to finish up and sell soon.
I think your idea of keeping historical elements in your contemporary stories is a great idea! Best of luck with them!
Paty, I'm looking forward to reading your stories in all genres!
My leap this year is to get serious about submissions, like Judith.
Hi Paty,
That does sound an exciting leap. Looks like you are going to have a busy year. Good luck with all your new ventures.
Jeanmarie, Thanks! Research is fun.
Shelley, thanks! I agree if you aren't growing you aren't getting better.
Susan, Hi! You are writing versatile! Thanks, I like the idea too. ;)
Sarah, I hope you enjoy them! I'm excited to see your results from the submissions.
Hi Margaret, Thanks!
Good for you Paty! Branching out to other genres can be intimidating, but it sounds like you have a good plan. :))
My big Leap this year is taking a college course on Web building and entering a contest with my MS.
Diana, Your leaps sound like good ones. I took a website class many years ago and it went over my head. That was when you needed to know html.
I leaped last year with a contemporary inspirational suspense...first ever suspense. The hero is still a cowboy, well as high priced P.I. Good luck with your new stories! I know I will love them, too.
Good for you Paty, I say when the voices are calling, you should answer them (Or write them down, so no one will hear you talking to yourself.)
Hi Tanya, Ooo, suspense! Congrats! I'll have to keep an eye out for that. Thanks!
Tammy, I agree. LOL
I took the leap into self-publishing! Well, it wasn't exactly a leap. It was more an awkward stumble, but hey, you have to start somewhere :)
Hey, Jessa. I did that a year ago and am so glad I did.
So excited for you and your new series, Paty! You put so much passion and energy into your writing, I'm sure these will be successful also!
Thank you for the compliment, Genene. I do tend to get excited about my projects.
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