By Terri Reed
Okay, it’s good for you. I know that. You know that. We all know that. Exercise keeps your body limber and the weight off, keeps your heart pumping and releases endorphins that make you feel better.

Knowing it’s good
for you,
doesn’t make
it easier.

Knowing it’s good
for you,
doesn’t make
it easier.
But what has that got to do with writing?
Well, first off, as a writer I sit at the computer long stretches of time, my back and neck stiffen and my head begins to pound. Not to mention that chair spread. Come on, you know what I’m talking about. People who sit in a chair for long periods of time find their behinds spread to fill the chair. Double ugh!!
A good reason to exercise, indeed.
Another good reason is to stimulate the creative juices . Yes, I’m serious. I find that if I exercise I am much more creative, better able to work through the blocks that rise to thwart my writing efforts and I’ve found that I write faster. If my body feels sluggish, my writing becomes sluggish.
Not to mention that if I exercise I’m a much better wife and mom. More patient, more loving and have a better outlook.
If you’ve read any of my books you’ll notice that most of the time I have my heroine mention some form of exercise that they engage in. I figure if I have to work out so do they!

Dancing is by far my favorite form of exercise. I attend Jazzercise at least three times a week and when I can’t get there, I turn on the music up loud and dance around the house.
So tell me, am I crazy? Or do you find that exercise helps with everything you do?
Finding out she is heir to a fortune shocks Caroline Tully to her core. And to “qualify” for the inheritance, she just has to visit her newfound grandfather’s Mississippi home from Christmas to New Year’s. Adopted as a baby, Caroline knows nothing about her mother’s family...and doesn’t realize they can’t be trusted. When attempts are made on her life, there’s only one man who can protect her. Donovan Cavanaugh—a man who made her lonely heart want to love again. Posing as her fiancé, Don promises to find the would-be killer. But will his protection-and his love-be enough to keep her safe?
Protection Specialists: Guarding the Innocent.
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For exercise me and my dog Robert play "leap"frog out on our walks.
For writing, Robert sits next to me, ever the encourager of my next sentence--he's like my editor that way. :)
When I'm stuck, I often go for a walk to get my body and mind moving. Doing something totally different for 15 minutes to an hour also helps. I know the issue is simmering somewhere and by distracting myself, 'the answer' comes.
Thanks for visiting us, Terri. I'm looking forward to reading other comments to see what works for others.
Hi, Terri!
Exercise is what works for me. I go to the gym three times or more a week, since I've moved to Bend, OR. I've dropped 10 lbs and with the exercise, my back doesn't hurt sitting at the computer any more.
Now, writer's block I deal with differently. I might take a half hour break and go clean house a little, or have a cup of tea with my mom and chat. I might take an hour or two and run errands. But always in the back of my mind is the writing problem I'm trying to solve.
The distraction usually works and I'll have a whole new outlook when I sit down at my key board again!
I'm not a writer...just a reader and do love to read! I am a walker for exercise, and feel much better by doing it. When I miss walking, I feel more "down".
I walk every day I can. Even if it's just around the parking lot in my complex as well as the parking lot next door. We had to get rid of our car so I walk everywhere. I've lost 13 lbs.
My apartment complex has a small fitness center and if I can I go there and use the bike or the elliptical. I can tune out and plot while I exercise.
I feel better when i exercixe, but there's more to it than that. I'm a person who seems to access my subconscious more easily through movement.
Recently, I added a shelf to my treadmill to try out the treadmill desk concepy. I'm not very coordinated, so i thought it would be hard to walk and write at the same time. it wasn't! and the words flowed!
i'm gradually increasing the time i spend walking and writing. I love it!
Sorry to be so late stopping by. Was a busy day today. Made Cake Pops this morning for my daughters homecoming. Went to the Wilsonville Library with other writers and met a few readers.
Then came home to take pictures of daughter and her date, then chaperoned/serviced at the homecoming, cleaned up and just got home again at 11pm. I'm exhausted. But it was a good day.
Susan, never heard of ‘leap frog’ with a dog. Interesting. Taking a walk with the dogs is always a treat.
Judith, I agree doing something else for awhile helps the creativity.
Diana, good for you on the 10lbs. I love that exercise helped your back. It helps me too.
Jackie, we love that you love to read! Walking is good exercise. I love to walk down on the waterfront here in Portland when the weather is mild.
Elaine, good for you on losing weight. I wish we lived somewhere that I could walk where I needed to go. Having a car is must here.
Sarah, I love the treadmill desk idea. I don’t have a treadmill at home but if I did I’d try it.
An excellent example of blending and balancing your real life and your writer life, Terri. Thanks for sharing an author's 'real life day'.
Hi Terri! I agree. Exercise helps me be more creative. It gets the blood moving and helps speed the writing process. Great post!
If I didn't have a dog, I'd never leave my computers. Thankfully, she needs a half hour walk in the morning and another hour walk in the evening. Gotta keep moving!
Have to say, I signed up for excercise classes just to get moving, but today I went to class and just felt dead.
Help me.
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