Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Celebrating Romance

Celebrating Romance

By Sarah Raplee and Judith Ashley
The month of May marks the 2nd Anniversary, or Blog-O-Versary, of Romancing The Genres. The Genre-istas’ posts will be about Celebrating Their Writing but underneath it all is a broader based celebration: Celebrating Romance.

Within the Genre-istas' posts contemporary, historical, suspense, mystery, western, military, fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction romance is explored. Several of the Genre-istas Celebrate Romance by blending genres – merging two or more into their own special concoction of love.
Our journey these past two years has exposed us to fantastic writers who celebrate romance in all parts of the world. Our Genre-istas come from the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. We've invited an international group of Romance authors to join us as Guest Contributors in May for our Blog-o-versary Month.
A couple of times a year, we sit down and take a look at where we are and where we want to go. We brainstorm topic ideas for the Genre-istas, and Contributor themes. We do research to find Guest Contributors who fit our themes.

Through it all, we keep in mind that the purpose of Romancing The Genres group blog is to entertain and inform readers by bringing together diverse points of view to explore and Celebrate Romance in all its permutations.

We truly believe Celebrating Romance every day adds joy and happiness to our lives. We invite you to Celebrate Romance with us.

Judith and Sarah


Diana McCollum said...

It has been an interesting two years blogging with all of you at RTG. Can you believe it's been two years? I can't. I love the diversity of our group. I think Romancing the Genres adds an important element to the romance writers community both on-line and off. Congrats, ladies on taking your idea of a blog from a seed to the wonderful blooming plant it is today.

Judith Ashley said...

There are days when Blogger is acting up that just that day feels like two years - but - overall, it has sped by. Thanks for all you've contributed to our success, Diana. Without you and the other Genre-istas, RTG would not be what it is today...yep, a cliched ending.

Sarah Raplee said...

We may be the 'wizard behind the curtain', but building our 'Oz' took the efforts of many, many amazing writers.

Thank you all!

Tam Linsey said...

Hooray! Congratulations, Genre-istas!