by Jennifer Conner of Books to Go Now
are many more options for authors these days. But it’s a big scary world out
there. Sometimes I think the writing of the book is the easy part. Now, what do
you do with your story and what is the best choice for you. Authors I’ve spoken
to are trying different directions. If they were self-pubed, then they are
trying a house or vice versa. There are the publishing options: Self-Publishing: Small Publishing House: Vanity and Subsidy Presses: Large houses: These are your “big six” trade publishing houses: Who are The Big Six? Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin Group, Random House, Simon and Schuster.
book’s list price is about 6 times the cost of production. Let’s make it $24.95. You make $2.49 a copy,
but don’t forget your agent (who gets 15% of your cut). So you walk away with
$2.12. The average first print run (for a new author) is 15,000 copies. From
this your agent will get you a 50% advance (or $15,783). If you sell less than
half of your print run, you will end up owing the publisher money. If your
books end up on the “Bargain Table” you make $0.00 royalties. If your books
sell at Costco (or wholesalers) they sell your book at 55% of original price—So
instead of making $2.12 you are now only make $1.37
you publishing in mass market paperbacks your royalty rates are only 6-7% of
the cover price (then subtract your agent fee).
So on a book that lists at $7.99 you will make: $0.48 times 15,000
(assuming you sell your full print run)= $7191 and then subtract 15% for agent
and you walk away with $6112.35. Yes, you can get multiple print runs (which is
what the large houses want). However,
most print runs are not less than 15,000 copies.
does it take to be acquired by a Small Publisher? This is the New Frontier and
Reality of the publishing market place. To be considered at any house you must
present your best work, a great query letter, and a strong synopsis (or a great
of a small publisher: You don’t need an agent to get into a small publishing
house. The turnaround time in acceptance/rejection is shorter (Varies but
approximately 4-8 weeks for an answer). This is also the case in getting your
book onto shelves. Better royalties. Strong relationships with your editor. More
attention. You succeed therefore they
are a few more advantages: More freedom in your publishing process. You pick
the number of books you want to write in a year. If you don’t like something
you have a little more (not much more) wiggle room in negotiating. (Again, tread softly) Smaller publishers can
be a fantastic way to build your brand as an author. Use them to get your foot
in the publishing door.
published is a tough process. Expect Rejection. But know that your odds of
getting picked up are much higher by a small press vs. a large house. They
publish varying lengths. Some will get your book into Paperback, but it is
often done as POD. Your book never goes out of print due to lackluster sales. On
average you will make 30-50% of net royalties.
if your book sells for $2.99 on Amazon. $2.09 is the profit. Around a dollar
for you and your publisher (varies of course.)
of small houses: There are the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Make sure you do
your research! Smaller marketing budgets. Usually no advance given to authors,
though I don’t believe many of the big houses do either these days.
SELF-PUBLISH: Are you ready? These are a few
things to ask yourself before you choose to put up your book. Budget. Marketing.
Distribution. Editing. Cover Design. Formatting. Uploading. The last number I
saw were that almost a 1,000 books a DAY are being uploaded to Amazon.
needs help with this crazy writing journey. The goal you need to keep in your
mind is that you need to write and then make your book/story the best it can
be. Write. Re-write. Take classes. Re-write.
Get beta readers. Re-write. Read again. Re-write. Make sure that you are in a
writing or critique group. They are golden to making you a better writer. No
one can do it on their own.

We are actively acquiring works (from short stories to full novel length) from both aspiring and established authors. Before submitting a query or proposal, please read the guidelines at
Jennifer Conner is an Associate Publisher for the indie
e-book publisher, Books to Go Now who resides in the Seattle area. They pride
themselves in helping new authors get their foot in the door with well-edited
manuscripts, professional covers, and platforms uploads.
Jennifer is a best-selling Northwest author who has forty
short stories, novellas, and full length books in print. She writes in
Christmas Romance, Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Historical
Romance, and Erotica.
She has hit Amazon's top fifty authors ranking and her books have been #1 in sales.
Her novel Shot in the Dark was a finalist in the Emerald City Opener, Cleveland, and Toronto RWA contests.
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for Guesting at RTG. Your post was packed with good information! I have much to think about.
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us at RTG. So glad to know there is a traditional publisher that puts out short stories and anthologies!
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