Tuesday, May 27, 2014

THEY CAME! by Sarah Raplee

In her post earlier this month my close friend and fellow Blog Queen, Judith Ashley, pretty much summed up my feelings about RTG’s Third Blog-oversary: Who wouldda thunk it’d turn out so well?

Yet, here we are, still going strong, still celebrating diversity in Romance stories (and yes, stories with strong romantic elements, LOL), still reaching an international audience of Romance lovers.

In founding RTG, Judith and I had adopted a Field of Dreams attitude: If you build the blog you envision, readers will come.

We researched blogs and blogging, built the site, invited a diverse group of talented writers representing many Romance sub-genres to join us, invited guest bloggers, depended on family and friends for support, promoted this scary new venture and took a huge leap of faith—faith in ourselves, faith in the amazing writers who signed on to be Genre-istas and faith that unity in diversity appeals to a wide audience.

And the readers?

They came.

Thank you for reading this post. I'd love to have you visit my website at www.sarahraplee.com 


Judith Ashley said...

Yes they did come! And they keep coming back - inclusive diversity can and does work!!

Diana McCollum said...

So happy you and Judith created the Romancing the Genres blog! It has been a learning experience and a wonderful journey sharing it with you. All the bloggers who are a part RTG Rock!! And I learn something new each and every time I read one of their blogs. Congrats on the anniversary, and keep up the good work!!

Sarah Raplee said...

Hi, Judith! Yep, it does!

Thanks, Diana! I'm so glad you have been part of RTG from the beginning!

B. A. Binns said...

I love being part of Romancing The Genres just as I love writing. Thank you for this blog and this post. May the blog readers keep coming!!