Frankly, I'm racking my brains for a connection between paranormal and vehicles. So here we go with some haunted automobiles, wacky modes of travel, and transport-y stuff that frightened the bejesus out of me one time. Shut up, okay? It's the best I've got. Let's begin:
1. Haunted automobiles.
Oyy. The Spielberg movie Duel, where the unseen driver of an enormous truck -- or could the truck be ALIVE, people?!? -- totally monsters an innocent motorist. Brrr.
An honorable mention to Stephen King's Christine, every petrolhead's nightmare.

3. Trains full of psychos. The Midnight Meat Train by Clive Barker. A story about a train, where... well, I'm not sure what the hell happened, to be honest. But it involved gore and meathooks, and me sleeping with the light on.
4. Trains full of coffins. The London Necropolis Railway. This was a real thing in the 1850s. London cemeteries were overcrowded, so they built a new one on the outskirts, and you jumped on this train with your coffin to get there. Not that sinister, really. I just think Necropolis Railway sounds cool and creepy :)
5. Zombies on a plane. No, not snakes. World War Z has this nerve-popping scene where zombies (no, not snakes) attack on an airborne plane. No, not snakes. Hungry, disgusting zombies. They want to bite you. YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO RUN. {die}
6. Okay, fine. SNAKES ON A PLANE. I rest my case:
Those are some of my faves. So what creepy vehicular shenanigans sticks in your mind?
OMG, Erica! I'll have nightmares just from reading your post, seriously. I have nothing to add. You might have guessed I don't do creepy whether in or out of a vehicle or anywhere else.
*shivering and grimacing*
Hmmm...Does Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey count? He pretty much WAS the spaceship.
Great job, Erica!
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