In many other countries, among them several European nations such as Germany, the UK, and Austria, declawing is illegal and considered animal cruelty and mutilation. Unfortunately, the practice is very common in the US, mostly due to veterinarians' greed for profit (they make truck loads of money with the procedure) and lack of education of cat owners. In fact, most of the cat owners who bring their beloved pet in for declawing don't know that the procedure does not "just remove the claws," and those that learn the truth are often shocked and appalled, and decide not to have their cat declawed.
The Paw Project has taken on the very important task of spreading the word about what declawing really is, and working toward a nationwide ban on the practice. As long as the law allows it, veterinarians more interested in money than their four-legged patients' health will continue to neglect properly educating cat owners on declawing and/or offering non-mutilating alternatives (such as nail trimming or Soft Paws).
As with any charity, donations are vital to the Paw Project, but almost equally needed are people willing to just spread the word and champion the cause. I frequently share the Paw Project's status updates on Facebook, and I talk about the issue around declawing whenever the topic can be naturally worked into a conversation (about cats, worthy causes, interesting documentaries I've watched -- there's a great film about the project on Netflix, "The Paw Project" -- etc.). There is a lot you can do even if your financial resources are limited.
What Oregonians in particular can do right now to help end declawing: There is a bill currently in review with the senate which would prohibit declawing of cats and devocalization of dogs (yes, another inhumane practice that actually exists) in Oregon, with exceptions, however, that will provide giant loopholes and can be used to circumvent the ban. The Paw Project opposes this bill, advocating instead for harsher legislation to be passed, allowing no exceptions. What you can do to help: Contact your Oregon State Senator (you can find them here) and share your concerns about the exceptions in the bill. Say that HB 3494-B contains unacceptable loopholes and will not protect dogs and cats. The bill would allow declawing and devocalization to continue unchecked in Oregon at the sole discretion of veterinarians. The bill is not a step forward for animals. Rather, it is a step backwards in the movement to protect animals from unnecessary harm. For more information on this bill, please visit http://www.pawproject.org/whatyoucando as well as the Paw Project's Facebook page.
In closing, since this was such a serious subject matter in this blog post, here's a cute pic of my cat Sheldon playing peek-a-boo.
Following her lifelong passion for stories and languages, polyglot Nadine Mutas went from tangling with tongues at a translation agency to wrestling with words in her writing den. She pens wickedly sensual paranormal romances, and her debut novel, Blood, Pain, and Pleasure, which was published on May 28, 2015, has won several awards for excellence in romance writing. You can find more info on Nadine and her books on her website: www.nadinemutas.com
Oh my, Nadine! Not being a cat-person, I've not really paid attention to this issue. Thank you for shining a light on the physical and emotional price our pets pay.
Hey Judith, thanks for stopping by! I know it's a quite gruesome subject matter, but it's definitely something that needs to be talked about so it can be eradicated. I'm glad if I could raise your awareness of it! The more people know and care, the better the chances of saving more kitties' paws from being mutilated.
Ditto what the two other ladies said!!!!
Thanks for reading and commenting, Diana! Let's make sure all kitties can enjoy their pawsome claws. :)
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