Working on an anthology is an entirely different beast. Think Beauty and
the Beast. You start out with a quarrelsome, growly, domineering chunk of words
that need to be tamed into one cohesive book.

Two years ago, we sat on the deck, sated with food and talk and wine (just
a little), with the sound of loons on the lake and the full moon arrowing a
golden path across the lake and right up on the shoreline in front of us. Our
host suggested we might like to try writing an anthology. Within minutes we’d
created a town, brainstormed names of the town, set a few guidelines, and we
were off and running
Or so we thought.
The reality is the work we did that night was Beauty’s fantasy.
Then the
Beast appeared. All the details of actually putting together an anthology. The
writing was the easy part—Beauty’s fantasy. Managing a project, was the roaring
and untamable Beast. I am happy to say we did finally tame the beast, and named
it Welcome to Serenity Harbor.
Beauty and the Beast are now living happily ever after. But as with all good
marriages or committed relationships, one must open their eyes, negotiate,
persevere over the hurdles, and make a strong commitment to reach that Happily Ever After.
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Why am I here? |
As one of two project managers, working with a group of six committee
members and all the authors who were excited about the project, here are the
things I learned: (caveat, not all anthologies revolve around a town, like ours
did. Some have a theme. Some are made up of a group of authors and there are no
rules around story content.)
♥ Map out the project and plot exactly what the
project will look like.
♣ Set rules, such as
genre of anthology (ours was contemporary), length (we chose short novellas, 15
– 25K words).
♣ Write a contract.
Include costs, such as professional editor for each work, (authors absorbed
that cost), due date of manuscript, anticipated release date, budget (cost of
formatter, cover artist, and promotion, for which we shared cost), and
production timeline.
♣ Determine as a group, parameters
around the theme, such as name and details of town that all authors will set
their story in, name of overall anthology, type of promotion, voting on book
cover design, etc.
♥ Research
♣ What anthologies are
being sold now, how are they set up, etc.
♣ Talk to other authors
in anthologies to understand their process.
♣ Find professionals,
editors, formatters, cover artists, etc.
♣ As a committee, agree
on the process.
♣ Communicate with all
authors each step of the way.
♣ Vote on any spending.
♥ Evaluate at the end. Our learnings included:
♣ Making sure you factor
in realistic expenses, such as copy editing and project manager costs up front.
♣ Set deadlines and stick
to them.
♣ Hire a copy editor, and
have one person, not an author related to the anthology, determine if the book
fits the criteria and is edited properly
♥ Make it your own
♣ One fun thing we did,
was to insert the mention of a sheep into each story. Look at the back cover
and you will see a rendering of a sheep that says “find me”, crafted by one of
our authors.
Although, as a group we bumbled our way through the
process, for me it was an incredible experience of teamwork and learning about
self-publishing. And although the Beast still growls once in a while, the Beast
is also loving and tamed. And he and Beauty are living happily ever after.
to Serenity Harbor, Maine, where waves slap against the rocky shore and love is
always in the air.
centuries after a ship, The Serenity, brought the first families to
this part of the secluded Maine coast, the town is home to their descendants
and a destination for tourists and travelers seeking their own slice of
heaven—and blueberry pie.
nine Maine authors and their friends in their walk around Serenity Harbor, and
maybe you’ll find the sheep that sometimes get loose on Main Street!
Authors contributing to Welcome to Serenity Harbor:
Terri Brisbin, Teagan Oliver,
Kat Henry Doran, Luanna
Michelle Libby, Maggie Robinson,
Delsora Lowe, April Canavan and
Morris, Meg Kassel
Welcome to Serenity Harbor is available now. Check your favorite e-retailer to purchase.
Cabins to Cottages…Keep the Home Fires Burning
A transplanted big city girl, world-wide traveler,
and foreign-service brat, who now lives in a coastal Maine town, Delsora Lowe
loves to write about small town heroes from the cowboys and ranchers of
Colorado to the game wardens and lobstermen of Maine. Her work in the
hospitality industry, rape crisis, admissions, alumni relations, and women’s
advocacy has allowed her to interact on a daily basis with real life heroines
and heroes. Lowe’s family visits to Colorado are the inspiration for an upcoming
contemporary western series.
Legacy of Parkers Point by Delsora Lowe in the anthology Welcome to Serenity Harbor:
lives, one legacy—the lure of Parkers Point
runs from …
Inheriting his grandfather’s property on the rocky
point in Serenity Harbor, Maine is the perfect escape from the biggest
professional disaster of Grayson’s life. Will distance and space help Gray heal
old family and professional wounds enough to open his heart to love?
runs toward …
Lauralee struggles to save the family art gallery for
her aunt. Returning to Serenity Harbor is payment for her aunt’s kindness that
saved her life and soul. Now she’s on a quest to find her father. Will this
trip home help her learn to trust and finally convince her she can truly belong
for the first time in her life?
Thanks for having me on Romancing the Genres. I look forward to talking to folks today.
I love the Beauty and the Beast analogy! Spot on! Serenity Harbor has been downloaded on my Kindle for sometime...I can't wait to delve in to all the wonderful stories.
Thanks for the detailed outline on the development of your project. Your roaming sheep has me intrigued. Here's to many happy sales.
Perfect analogy for the heap of work that went into this endeavor. But my overall feeling is still - fun! And I'm super proud of the final product. Welcome to Serenity Harbor is a fabulous collection of stories, if I do say so myself, hehe. All of the committee and the extra helper elves deserve medals.
Wonderful advice for how to organize a group anthology. Along with that, it seemed like a lot of fun for the group.
Marianne - hope you enjoy the stories. They are all so different, yet embody the spirit of our Maine town - here's to all the authors who put their heart and soul into this project!
Anna - the sheep idea came up at an anthology committee meeting in the middle of our retreat hotel lobby. Lots of laughing involved. But then we thought - hey, what fun. Special thanks to Meg for our sheep logo! I hope the readers enjoy finding the sheep in each story. I know I did!
Luanna, thanks for checking in today. It is a fun anthology. And I loved your story - A Whole Lotta Love. Fair warning - if anyone is hungry when you read this story, you will be sorry - because all the descriptions of yummy baked goods will have you running to the fridge, the cupboard, the store if the cupboard is bare :-) Definitely a fun endeavor, working on this anthology!
Thanks Susan - fun and a lot of work. And thank you for all the editing you did. We could not have put this anthology together without your help!
We couldn't have done this Anthology without you! Great story!
Our fearless leader is a wonderful job along with the committee. For some of us it was easier than others. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Love your detailed analysis of what it takes to put out an anthology! Kudos to you and to the whole group of authors who pulled this off!
Beth - You were the leader of the leaders. But we were all in this together. And I know we all learned a lot about the process. I loved working with you. And I am proud of our product. Hope everyone enjoys the stories, as much as I did.
Deb, Thank you for guesting with us this weekend! Your post certainly shows the work that goes into creating a great anthology. And, you are so right!!! Whether it is a novel, novella, short story, flash fiction===the writing is the fun part, the publishing not as much. I do get a real sense of satisfaction when I click "publish" but that is because the 'beast' has been tamed.
Wow, what an undertaking. And what an informative and fun description of the undertaking. I'm not sure all friendships would have survived. Just downloaded the sample.
Judy Gabriel/Judy Meadows
Thanks for sharing what goes on behind the scenes of anthologies.
Loved your analogy of Beauty and the Beast! The more stories and authors you have the more wrangling there is to do. I bought your book on the presell and have enjoyed reading some of the stories. I need to finish reading the rest. I really enjoyed your story "The Legacy of Parkers Point".
Loved it!
the analogy to Beauty and the Beast is spot on.
thank you for inviting me, rather allowing me to invite myself, to the party. I loved the characters I invented and adored the others' stories.
this was a great experience for me!
Kat Henry Doran, It Had To Be You
Hi all - I wrote comments back to everyone from Michelle through Kat but none of them went through. I will try again later once I figure out why.
Thanks, Michelle - Beth and I shared the duties, plus had help from 4 others. So everyone gets credit, including all the authors!
I love love love your "Beauty and the Beast" analogy! I know it was a lot of hard work ... but the product is truly lovely! Congratulations to all the authors involved!!
Thanks Barb, it was fun trying to come up with a way to describe the process. Since it was both hard and exhilarating. Thanks for stopping in to leave a comment!
My pleasure, Judith. I really appreciate you giving me an opportunity to tell our tale. I can imagine hitting PUBLISH is equally as exciting as typing in THE END. Some day I'll have the guts and the knowledge to hit PUBLISH. Until then, I rely on my friend Nina of Seaside Publications. She not only give me council, but she helped all of us to get this book out in the public. She was great to work with and I learned a lot from her. But each day, I learn more and more, not only from Nina but from you and others in the Roses. Thanks!
Judy - thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the sample. I just discovered on Amazon the other day, that you can hit a link once you open the sample on the Amazon site, and it will take you to random parts of the anthology. Kind of fun. Of course, like it says, you might just happen upon a random scene in any one of the stories. It was fun trying to figure out how to describe the process - Beauty and the Beast seemed to fit. Luckily all our friendships are still in tack. But it took a lot of discussion and back and forth throughout the process.
My pleasure, Jennifer. It was fun. Kind of an evaluation process for me to spell it all out.
Thanks Diana - the fun part about writing the book was that the town we used in Maine to model Serenity Harbor after, is the area where my daughter got married. As a pantser, I had no clue where this story would go, but envisioning the real town, I knew there were tons of restaurants and galleries right by the ocean. So voila, the characters just kind of popped out on the page. Glad you enjoyed the story.
Kat - so glad you could crash _ I, er, mean visit - the party. Of course you are welcome. Thanks - it just seemed the right analogy for all we went through to get this published. But we did it. And Kat's story is a fast-paced, sensuous story, full of quirky characters, with a great surprise ending. And of course, a hero to die for. Hope everyone enjoys all our stories, each one so different and full of voice of each author. Fun to be a part of!
Nina, HI - you snuck in here when I wasn't looking. Glad I scrolled back through. Thank you so much for being a part of our behind-the-scenes crew. I bragged you up, up above. We could not have done this without Nina's help. The part where I suggest you line up good professional help - well that was Nina's role. Like I said - the whole project was team work.
Thanks for stopping by. And yes, we are proud of the product - thanks to your dedicated and professional help. Enjoy the stories!!!!
This is a great re-cap & how-to! Thank you! and PS: I am extremely envious of this Maine writer's retreat--sounds like my kind of event!!!
Thanks, JB - glad it was helpful. Yes, our brainstorming weekend is so much fun and we get a lot of work done. We also have a writers retreat in May that is open to other writers outside our Maine group, Amazingly enough, we filled up fast and now have a waiting list for this year. It is small and intimate (around 40), but has a great reputation. We have had several from your neck of the woods join us in the past. Next year????
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