Friday, May 5, 2017

Reinventing Romancing The Genres

Judith is the author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, romantic fiction that honors spiritual practices that nourish the soul and celebrates the journey from relationship to romance.
Reinventing Ourselves is the chosen topic for our Sixth Blog-O-Versary here at Romancing The Genres. What started out as an idea Sarah and Judith talked about over tea at the Border’s Café just over 6 years ago has now developed into a world-wide blog focused on diversity of genre, geography and gender. Genre-istas come from Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. They span across the United States and we write in most of the sub-genres of romance.

If you’ve followed us at all, you know our new look is Very Different from our initial one. There are similarities – books, a cup, and our name. We’ve changed our ‘tag line’ and after weeks of trying to figure out visuals to show visitors how diverse we are, Diana McCollum came up with the idea of language and Sarah Raplee did the research.

What did I contribute to this reinvention of RTG? Some initial brain storming and on-going feedback when asked on the new banner and format.

While Sarah and Diana worked on the new look, I tracked down alumni and invited them to guest with us. It has been a fun journey—catching up with former Genre-istas.

Here’s our May Line-Up.

05/06 — Donna Hatch

05/13 — Terri Molina

05/20 — Deanne Wilsted

05/27 — Susan Horsnell

05/29 — Nadine Mutas

05/30 — Margaret Tanner

05/31 — Christy Carlyle

At one point in the past six years these authors have been an integral part of Romancing The Genres and added to our success.

Take the time and click on their names to check out their websites and be sure to stop back by each Saturday for an up-close and personal chat with them.

Another Reinvention organized by Genre-ista Marcia King-Gamble is our Tuesday evening FB Events. Check in on our Facebook Page between 9 – 10 EDT (6 – 7 PDT) and learn what these award winning, bestselling authors have done and are doing to reinvent themselves. If you missed Carla Neggers on May 2nd, don’t miss out on these other heavy hitters.

05/09 — Michelle Monkou

05/16 — Dianna Moggy

05/23 — Alyssa Maxwell

05/30 — M.L. Buchman

For me on a personal level, I’m reinventing myself every day as I find the balance between writing and my real life. I’m figuring out what I want to do myself, what I’m willing to do and what I’m l hiring out.

Check out my Monday Judith Ashley blog. This month I’m writing about

05/08 — Unconditional Acceptance

05/15 — Unconditional Support

05/22 — Unconditional Love

05/29 — Sacred Space

Sign up for Connections, my newsletter, and download a free e-copy of Lily.

Learn more about The Sacred Women’s Circle series on Judith's website.
Follow Judith on Twitter: @JudithAshley19
Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.
You can also find Judith on FB!


Sarah Raplee said...

Wonderful preview of our Blog-o-versary month for 2017!!! I can't believe it's been six years!!! Our chat with Carla Neggars was interesting and fun. I'm looking forward to Tuesday nights.

Judith Ashley said...

Thanks, Sarah! I often remember when we sat in that Borders and talked about blogging. Who knew it would turn into Romancing The Genres. We make a great team!!!

Sarah Raplee said...

We certainly do, Judith! And now we have Blog Princesses like Marcia King-Gamble and Diana McCollum who help with various aspects of the blog such as Events and graphic design!

Judith Ashley said...

Thank Goodness for Blog Princesses!!!

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Very nice post Blog Queen. 6 years and we've come a long way, baby and getting bigger and better. So nice to learn a bit about the history of the blog! Love the new banner!

Robin Weaver, Author said...

Love the new look.

Judith Ashley said...

Thanks, Blog Princess Marcia! You've been inspirational and supportive. So glad you are one of us. Glad you like the new look!

Judith Ashley said...

Thanks, Robin. It's a huge change but even after a week, I hardly remember what we used to look like. This is much more streamlined and I think speaks to our commitment to diversity.