But fear not, I've decided to put a spin on a classic, It's a Wonderful
Life—truly one of the all-time greats. Only as a writer, I have been conditioned, since I first put my
fingers on the keyboard, to always deliver the unexpected. And let's be honest,
It's a Wonderful Life is hardly
unexpected—not by today’s standards anyway. So let's change it up.
Having a fat old man be an angel is
unexpected, even by today standards, so we’ll leave Clarence as is. No, wait. An angel is a bit predictable no matter what his shape. What if we made
him a shape shifter? Hmm, that will screw up the plot. We want Clarence to evolve, not be dinner.
So who can hear when George wishes he’d never
been born? I know, he can wish on a penny. Oops—that’s absolutely predictable. Let's make it a dollar bill instead.
So George finds a dollar and… He simply
cannot wish he'd never been born--even to a dollar bill. I mean seriously, how
many times has that been done? Let's have him wish he's been born a woman. To
which the dollar replies, “The PMS alone would kill you. I like horses. What if
I make you my little pony instead?"
And poof. Before George can protest, he’s
got hooves and a shiny teal tail. He trots down the street, running into his
mom—who falls and breaks a hip. Predictable, but what else can happen? Grandma
has just been run over by a horse.
She’s screaming, “Bloody horse murderer!”
because she doesn’t recognize her son. Did I mention he’s a horse?
Anyway, George’s mom is rescued by Uncle
Billy—who hasn’t been institutionalized because the Building and Loan is still going strong. Don’t get me wrong, the Building and Loan collapsed (just like in the original
story), only the government bailed out the financial institution. Billy splints
mom’s broken hip and then kicks George the horse (didn’t expect that, did you? Evil grin). Billy pulls out his mobile telegraph (hey, no
cellphones in this era) so George gallops home.
Mary will help him. Hold
on, we have to make Mary less predictable, too.
She can’t be some lonely, scared spinster. Maybe George was holding her
back. She’s gone to Vegas and become…a champion bull rider (Gotcha. You were
expecting a showgirl, huh?)
So George realizes he
shouldn’t have wished he was dead. Or a woman. And a bell rings—only let’s make it a
bullhorn. In the old story, we all know the angel got his wings. In our story,
the angel becomes…hmmm, how about a boy wizard.
Okay. You’re right. The
original is better. Maybe with a classic, predictable is okay. Only let’s not
call it predictable. Let's call it tradition.
Fun Post, Robin! I like stories that are full of surprises. Surprises that make sense, but surprises nonetheless!
It's alright.....too many what-if's, but a good read. Thanks Boss!
Haha, definitely got me thinking now! Enjoyed reading your work as always!
Great blog post!
I'm always amazed at what you come up with, Robin. And, I look forward to reading your post every month because there is always a surprise!
Definitely a creative take. You should be writing humorous fantasy with this kind of imagination.
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