Thursday, March 7, 2019

If I could live for a week in any time period which one would that be? by Dora Bramden

I'm wearing a homemade Regency inspired dress.

Which time period would I live in if I could choose any? My first thoughts are that I’d like to live in one that has gorgeous clothes and chivalrous men, like in a Regency period novel.

But even though I’m a passionately committed romantic, I couldn’t suffer any period in time where women weren’t masters of their own lives. As much as I love the clothes of the Regency period it's not a time want to actually live in for a week. I enjoy the fantasy of a historical novel but I couldn’t bear sitting around with no TV to watch, waiting for the men to make life interesting, not for a moment let alone a week.

Give me the current day. Women are taking leadership roles in running their country. In Australia, we have had a female Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister. Male dominated sports like Australian rules football,  now have a women’s competition.  The Australian Women’s Football League games are aired on commercial TV.

The Romance genre is fantastic right now. I love to barrack for those career women heroes, balancing their goals and a budding relationship with a strong man. I love reading about a man who gets behind her and lends a hand and doesn’t expect her to be the handmaiden at his table of life. I like that the male heroes aren’t just wanting her because she’s beautiful but because he sees her qualities as a human being. These male heroes want a woman who is their equal in all things. 

As for going forward in time, I'm optimistic that things are going to get even better and I really would like to own a hover car, however, I don't want to know my future. What if I run into myself and corrupt the space/time continuum. Who knows what that might do? Said with a grin, believe me. 

I’m pretty happy to be waking up tomorrow and being alive right now. If I want to visit another time period I'll pick up a book.

Dora Bramden writes Heart Melting, Passionate Romance


Judith Ashley said...

Love your last line!

I'd add that if a woman wants a different life in the present, she has opportunities to create that for herself. She can live in a cabin and hunt her own food, etc. She can live in a castle with no indoor plumbing. She can spend time at a spa where she is pampered. And she can search until she finds a man who fits her idea of a "hero."

Sarah Raplee said...

Spot-on post, Dora! I love your line about time traveling in a book.

Dora Bramden said...

Excellent additions. Love it. Thanks Judith.

Dora Bramden said...

Arm chair time travelling 😊 Thanks Sarah.

Diana McCollum said...

I agree, picking up a book to go back in time is the best thing to do. Great blog post!

Dora Bramden said...

Thank you, Diana. 😊

Maggie Lynch said...

You reflected my feelings exactly when you said: "I couldn’t suffer any period in time where women weren’t masters of their own lives."

I also loved your explanations. I sometimes think maybe I'm just lazy to not want to go back and live in that period for even a week. But you solidified it to being more about control over my life. It took me long enough in the 20th century to realize I could control my own life. I can't imagine if I'd ever had the chance to confront that in the 18th or 19th centuries.

Good post!