Thursday, May 30, 2019

And Onward To Nine!

First, the Blog Queens and all the Genre-istas want to Thank You for your support of Romancing The Genres for 8 years.

Here’s what you can look forward to in the coming months!
As you’ll see we have a Guest Theme and a Genre-ista Topic for each month. We invite you to recommend authors who write in our Guest Themes as Sarah and Judith are always looking for new-to-us authors.
June our guests are 20th Century Historical Romance authors: Maggie Robinson, Anna Brentwood, Margaret Tanner, Lauri Robinson and Eleri Grace. And the Genre-istas will be sharing Wedding Stories. Judith already has her June 7th post up “Say Yes To The Dress” but you’ll have already read posts by Paty Jager, Luanna Stewart, Robin Weaver and Dora Bramden before Judith’s day.
July our guests are Emerging Romance Authors. What’s an Emerging Romance Author? One who has at least 3 books published but not yet seven. In other words, fairly new to the wide, wonderful world of publishing. At the writing of this blog post we’ve got Kerry Blaisdell, Kathy Coatney and Andra Ashe signed up. And Genre-istas will post about the one thing they would change about their past and why. That should be an interesting month.
And in August we’ll share an “Adventure in Traveling.” Hmm, Judith’s had several including ending up on a list of suspicious international travelers. Wonder if she’ll expand on that one. While you read about our travel adventures, our guests will be Authors of Historical Romance From Around The World.
September our Topic and Theme center around The Craft of Writing. As a reader let us know what you’d like to learn from us.
October we celebrate Superhero/heroine Romance and the Genre-istas will be talking about Their Own Superhero/heroine.
Over the years we’ve settled into our November and December topics so there’s nothing new here: November: Holiday Reads is the Genre-ista topic and Holiday Romance Authors is our guest theme.
December is our What’s New In Publishing theme. Our guests have included folks from Draft2Digital, Findaway Voices, Alli, as well as a couple of people who stay on top of the publishing trends.
As the calendar shifts from 2019 to 2020, we head in to the last four months before our 9th Blog-O-Versary. We’d love to have your thoughts on topics and themes you’d like to see. After coming up with topics and themes for 96 months, you can imagine how grateful the Blog Queens are for ideas.
And to sweeten the request, leave your ideas and contact information in the Comments. Those who do will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Amazon Gift Card.


Diana McCollum said...

Wow! What an exciting year ahead for RTG! My only ideas for subjects are: 1) Your favorite first line, or hook, in a book and why is it your favorite? 2) What do you do to relax, read crafts, travel, massage and why. 3) Funny story about family, Aunt, Uncle, mom, dad or children. and have you ever used it in one of your own stories?

That's all I got :))

Judith Ashley said...

Thanks Diana! Great ideas

Maggie Lynch said...

As always, the Genreistas have a wide variety of interesting topics.

Ideas for themes? I always have lots I'd love to know. Here are a few.

1. Favorite characters and why--both the author's favorite one she's written and a favorite from another author she loves.

2. Time Tavel--If you could go to any time past or future, what would it be and why?

3. Best tips for moving forward with writing when the world seems to be pushing you backward.

4. Fave (or least fave) science discoveries and why--both past and present

5. A month on cross-genre writers and what makes it viable for them.

6. Children's book authors. I know you have at least a couple, but it seems we hear from them fairly rarely. If there aren't enough, perhaps those with children or grandchildren could recommend fave books in a specific age range.

7. Action & Adventure / Thriller. A category that crosses many genres. I'd love to hear from writers who write these kind of books and in what genre and what is it that they love about writing it.

8. Best uplifting books. I suspect toward the Fall of 2020 we will be mired in election coverage. It would be a great time to hear about uplifting books--fiction or nonfiction that will get us through the end of the year.

Judith Ashley said...

Thanks for your suggestions Maggie.!