Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Re-do In Life

I'm sure there are things I'd love to change or re-do if I thought about it but that's not me. I just don't travel that road, I'm not judging or saying no one should - you know the learn from our mistakes things is a valuable thing.

I could share why I don't but that would require tons of doughnuts (which I'm forbidden now thanks to diabetes) so instead I'll just share about a character in my October release who has a serious case of "I need a choice re-do."

It all starts with the desire for a pizza...Katria is a homeless fourteen year old. She's all alone...she's hungry... and she's will to do anything to eat...there are things far worse than stealing a jar of coins...right???


Katria pressed her forehead against the window. No one. The same as the day before and the day before that. It was a jar of coins. It wasn't like she was robbing a bank or killing someone.
She was only fourteen. She needed to eat. She couldn't get a job.
She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the throbbing in her head. The battle of right and need. She needed to eat. It was wrong to steal.
Pain surged through her stomach and everything faded for a moment.
She needed to eat. It was a jar of coins. She'd paid the owner back when she was old enough to work.
Shoving the warnings to the back of her mind, she pulled up the door and ran inside...

Instead of the pizza Katria ends up in a battle with this guy...

Talk about wanting a choice redo! What Katria ended up stealing was the Jar of Souls - she couldn't even buy a pizza!!! She spends the next six years being shuffled from safe haven to safe have until the time comes that she release the souls.

Only it's not as easy as opening the jar and letting the souls float away. Nope...  and if she doesn't accomplish the release on all hallows eve, well then death wins and the world will be blanketed in darkness.

And all she wanted was a pizza...And she ended up in a battle with death to save all of humanity. Talk about needing a choice re-do! So does she get her re-do? Make sure check out Jar of Souls in October...

Done by the amazing - Lia at


Judith Ashley said...

Wow! What a story line, Lyncee.And for a "Horror Romance" the cover sure works.

Anonymous said...


Sarah Raplee said...

Wow, Lyncee! Love the concept! Love the excerpt! Love the cover! When can I pre-order?

AmorinaRose said...

sounded so good I thought I would check amazon and author profile. You have some books there with weird prices, like in the hundreds so thought I had better let you know. It comes up in your profile.

The plot does sound good though.

Luanna Stewart said...

Love, love, LOVE that excerpt (too short!! we want more!!!) and the concept (I wish my brain could come up with dark stuff like that) and the killer cover!