Monday, July 29, 2019

Self-publishing success tips from Tara Ames

As an emerging indie author of contemporary military and sports romances, I have enjoyed quite a journey into the world of self-publishing. Since I published my first book The Risk Taker, book 1, Alpha Aviators series back in August 2017, I’ve published a total of five books and two novellas, with three short stories featured in two anthologies and one boxed set. During this time, two of my works received awards, and I became a USA Today Bestselling Author.

And you’re probably wondering how I did it?

Professional Associations, Networking, & Volunteering
About ten years ago, I joined Romance Writers of America and became a member of Florida Romance Writers, an affiliated chapter of RWA. And I’m glad I did it. Not only did I make lifelong friends, but I had also gained valuable publishing insights while serving as the PAN Liaison and president of FRW.

Learn the Craft
By attending workshops and seminars and reading books on the craft, I learned the ABC’s of writing a romance novel. I strongly encourage aspiring authors to learn the craft first before drafting a manuscript. It’ll save you hundreds of painful hours later spent on rewrites.

Write Every Day
I’m in this career for the long run, and I write every single day. My goal is to publish five books a year. So far, I have published three in 2019.

Social Media/Website
If anyone is serious about writing, then don’t wait until the book is finished to create a website or open accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, ME WE, etc. Six months before my first book was released, I opened accounts and started making friends. Typically, I average two hours a day on most of these sites, posting and commenting.

Once your book is completed, open accounts on these two sites immediately and start gathering followers. They’re a great to resource for readers to find your books and post their reviews.

Network on Facebook
I’ve met so many wonderful authors on Facebook. Through them, I was able to participate in two anthologies, a boxed set as well as join author/reader groups. If you don’t understand how Facebook works, watch You-Tube videos and ask your friends or children or grandchildren. They can be great resources.

There is stiff competition in the publishing market, especially in the romance genre. In order to gain notice and sell books, it is imperative to spend money on advertising, or you may find it extremely hard to sell your books.

USA Today Bestselling Author
I became one this past February when the boxed set I was in with fifteen plus other authors hit the bestseller list. It wouldn’t have happened if I had never opened an account on Facebook and networked with so many amazing fellow authors or wrote a decent novella-LOL.

In summary, here’s my best advice. Follow your passion and success will follow you. Don’t give up. Network. Learn something new about publishing at least once a week and write every single day.

About Tara Ames: 

USA Today Bestselling Author Tara L. Ames is a Michigan native with a penchant for creating highly sensual empowered stories about brave, hot men and strong-willed women. Now living in Florida, she writes every day in between taking care of her family, reading and enjoying the sun. Qigong/Tai Chi/Sudoku are her three biggest addictions besides chocolate

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Tara L. Ames said...

Thank you for featuring me as your guest-xoxo!

Diana McCollum said...

Great tips on self-publishing! Congrats on making the NY times list. I believe dedication is the key to being a good, published author. It is hard to get noticed without GREAT marketing. Something I need to work on. Happy Summer!

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Thanks for the tips. These will be so helpful to newbies and those breaking into the business. So happy to say I knew you when. Kudos on the success. I always knew you had it in you!

AmorinaRose said...

Great post, I am following you as I speak or write. Its hard work but writing is a business and businesses have demands. Well said.

Tara L. Ames said...

Diana, so glad you found the tips helpful. I wish I made NYT-LOL, but at least I made USA Today Bestseller. Wish you much success with your writing career, Tara

Tara L. Ames said...

Marcia, I've learned a lot from you. You're quite an inspiration. Thank you for believing in me - xoxo - Tara

Tara L. Ames said...


Thank you for reading my post. I appreciate your kind words. Wish you much success!

Luanna Stewart said...

All excellent advice, particularly learning the craft. I continue to add to my writer's toolbox even after publishing a few books. I'm always interested in how other authors create characters, or manage timelines, or on the marketing front, how they connect with readers.

Tara L. Ames said...

Luanna, I'm on that same page-LOL-as you are. I'm constantly researching new methods. It is a never-ending process. Thank you so much for commenting. Wish you much success!

Judith Ashley said...

Tara, we really do appreciate your sharing your tips on moving forward with your publishing career. Do you have tips on gathering and engaging with followers? In the early days of marketing after I first published, I worked on my mailing list. At one point it was almost 4K I didn't find an increase in my book sales and so, me being me, I didn't send out as many emails as I did at first. Not another new shiny thing attracted me, I just had marketing fatigue. I'd already taken my best shot. One of the skills I've yet to learn as in requires the (for me) dreaded math skills, is analyzing the results of a letter. Your thoughts on this deficit of mine would be appreciated.

Tara L. Ames said...

Judith, I use for both my website and Newsletter. After each NL has been sent out, I receive stats informing me the number of bounce emails, unopen email vs opened email, and number of clicks.
With that data, I can clean up my list on a regular basis and gear my NL toward my loyal followers. I'd rather have 2,000 followers with an 80% click rate than 10K followers with only 10% clicks. It is also imperative you don't bombard your subscribers on a regular basis with NL. I try to only send them out if I have exciting news and giveaways.

I hope this helped. Wish you all the best!

Sarah Raplee said...

Hi Tara,Thank you for Guesting with us! Your tips make a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing.

Tara L. Ames said...

Sarah, it's been a blast. Thank you so much for hosting me.

All the best,

