Monday, November 4, 2019

A Little Romance a Little Mystery by Paty Jager

Boy do I have a red face! This month we were asked to suggest a holiday themed book. I had one on my Kindle from an author I enjoy, so I read it and when I headed over to Amazon to capture a cover and link for's not there. Because it was a short story, I'm thinking it was something her newsletter peeps received.

Anyway, it was A Christmas Miracle in Pajaro Bay by Barbara Cool Lee. I have been reading her Pajaro Bay series and really like the California coastal town that is her setting and all the intrigue that happens along the coast. Smugglers, drug dealers, and small town revenge.

The first book in Ms. Cool Lee's series: The Honeymoon Cottage that introduces you to the town and community is FREE at                   
Amazon      Apple    Nook     Kobo

"Readers praise the series for its "sweetness," its "excellent characterization," and say the books are "adorable, lively and like a warm hug."

I have to agreed. While there is suspense and unique, quirky characters the books are feel good reads, so even if you don't have one that is set around the holidays, reading it will give you the same warm feelings.  To learn more about Barbara check out her website:

If you are wondering what Shandra Higheagle, my mystery character has been up to, her latest book,
Toxic Trigger-point is now available in ebook and print.

Adultery… Jealousy… Murder

Shandra Higheagle Greer is minding her own business when she walks into a room for a massage and it is already occupied—by a dead body.

Always the champion for someone she knows, when her favorite masseuse looks like the murderer, Shandra listens to her gut and dreams choreographed by her deceased grandmother.

Detective Ryan Greer can’t believe his wife has walked into another homicide. He’s learned no matter how he tries to keep her out of the investigation he can’t. But this time the consequences could be deadly for Shandra—she heard the murder happen.
Universal Buy Link

Paty Jager is an award-winning author of 42 novels, 8 novellas, and numerous anthologies of murder mystery and western romance. All her work has Western or Native American elements in them along with hints of humor and engaging characters. Paty and her husband raise alfalfa hay in rural eastern Oregon. Riding horses and battling rattlesnakes, she not only writes the western lifestyle, she lives it.
blog / websiteFacebook / Paty's Posse / Goodreads / Twitter / Pinterest   / Bookbub

Top photo source: Deposit Photo


Judith Ashley said...

Thanks for the introduction to Barbara Cool Lee, Paty. I've yet to read her books. Her books look like ones I'd like to read. And Shandra? She's gotten herself into a real pickle this time!

Sarah Raplee said...

Thanks for the recommendations, and I'm excited about your new Shandra mystery!

Luanna Stewart said...

It sounds like Barbara Cool Lee writes what I like to read - a true cosy mystery with interesting characters. Thanks for the recommendation.

The plot of your new Shandra book is EXACTLY what I would imagine happening if I was still getting regular massages. I'm always thinking "what if I find a body on the beach, or at the edge of the woods, or on the hiking trail, or...". I'm happy to say none of that has happened--yet.

Deb N said...

I'm checking out the cozy mystery. Like Lu, I too imagine what would happen if I came upon a body. True story - I lived in an apartment in VA - the back (and my bedroom) looked out over a tree filled area that was a pleasant view, blocking all the busy city streets beyond. I had a third floor apartment with balconies to the front and back, one overlooking the little forest. It was like living in a tree house, where I was high enough to see bird nests. I used to cut through the back to get to the sidewalks that took me to work not far away. Right before I moved, they discovered a body under piles of leaves and fallen branches. I shiver to think if I had been the one who walked over that body and discovered it, or looked out my bedroom window and witnessed something I never want to see. It still haunts me that I m ight have been in the apartment as a murder took place, or as a body was dragged to the site to hide it. So to all of you who can write mysteries, kudos. It scares me to even think about it. And, I have to admit, I read all mysteries during the day :-)

Diana McCollum said...

Great blog post! It gives me the shivers thinking about finding a body! I did live in an upstairs apartment years ago and came home from work to find the downstairs apartment had crime scene tape around the entrance. The police were still there and said that the room mates had an argument and the one stabbed the other to death.

I was so glad when I moved in a couple weeks. That was bad Ju-ju!!!