Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Boyfriend Project

Farrah Rochon is the USA today bestselling author of numerous books that place the romance of Black characters front and center on the page. The result leaves all audiences entranced.
Until the recent RWA debacle, Farrah was a hard-working member of the board, giving back to the Romance community she has belonged to for years. Then she was hit by a one-two punch. The first blow came when the RWA board fell apart after a racist action against a popular RWA member on behalf of a publisher went viral and exposed the racist underbelly of the organization. In a few days, RWA will hold a special election for a new board, one that will hopefully halt the organization’s implosion and help it work toward becoming an inclusive professional organization.

The second blow was more personal. The death of her sister. Her sister Tamara passed away unexpectedly at the end of December.  To honor her sister's memory, Farrah held a successful GoFundMe that raised money to purchase an organ for the church her sister loved. The organ was installed last month. Now she gets another lift. the reviews for her newest release. You're in for a treat if you enjoy good romances AND stories of sgtrong female friendships.

I watched an episode of the Good Doctor this week that involved a man with all the self-confidence and charisma in the world. He had it all until two of the women he is dating "exclusively" show up at the hospital to wish him well after an accident. After watching one of the women take a baseball bat to his car, I was totally in the mood for this romantic adventure.  I really liked how the women in The Boyfriend Project are all strong, and recognize the need for female support in their lives.

With The Boyfriend Project,  Farrah launches a new series about three career women in Austin Texas(a far cry from her usual small town settings). Not two, but three women face a body blow when they find they have been “catfished” by the same man in a confrontation caught on camera, and posted for all the world to see. The humiliation racks up hundreds of thousands of embarrassing views.

The only positive - the three women,  Samiah, London and Taylor, become gal-pals. The first meeting between the women is a totaldelight as they kick the catfisher to the curb and cement the beginning of a beautiful friendship between strong women. It left me ready to go out and try my first Vanilla Sushi Roll.

The women make a pact to spend six months with no men, no dating and no worries about relationship status. They will invest in themselves.

Only then, the Universe laughs and sends Samiah a present in the form of Dan, a new co-worker, the very next day. The attraction between them is immediate! But Dan has an ulterior motive for being at her job, and Samiah won't accept anything less than honesty in any possible partner. Especially after promising her new best friends she would remain man-less and work on herself.

This fast paced story will give readers insight into the pressures surrounding being a Black woman in a tech field. The story does a great job highlighting their respective careers and how they deal with racism and microaggressions (Samiah is Black and Daniel is Black-Korean American).
Big plus, the book shows Black relationships in a positive light, both friendships and romances.

The June 9 publication date means this is perfect for summer must read list.  And now I'm jungry to read London and Tamara's stories.


Judith Ashley said...

Great review, BA. It's a story I know I'll enjoy!

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Yes, I am too! And I hope Farrah has a good year in 2020.

Sarah Raplee said...

Barbara, I love your review of Farrah Rachon's upcoming series! We need more books like hers and yours. Can't wait to read the new series.

After all she endured this past year, I pray the coming year is one of hope and healing for Farrah.

Maggie Lynch said...

This sounds like a great book. I love books that have women getting together and helping each other to thrive. Thanks for sharing this review.