Friday, June 12, 2020

I found my love of sewing!

I sit at my desk and look outside at the birds on the birdfeeder. They are happy, my husband filled the feeder this afternoon. The seeds which spill over or get scratched out and fall on the ground are greedily snatched up by the half dozen quail milling around below. 
The birds are going about their daily routine. They search for food, drink, build nests and flit and fly about. Their lives are not interrupted and their habits are the same today, as they were yesterday.

That can’t be said for humanity. The COVID-19 virus has changed my habits and my daily routine. We are readers and writers and all are affected in one way or another.

I now order groceries through Instacart and have them delivered. I carry sanitizer wipes in both cars. My purse always has a new pair of rubber gloves and a baggie to put change or debit card in.

Although, I’m not using a debit card or money very often. Mostly for the pharmacy, gas and take-out food. 

Coffee with friends, is a thing of the past for now. Shopping for clothes? Not in the store. Amazon and online stores are now where I shop. In fact, my shopping on Amazon and other online stores has increased dramatically. I’ve been buying all presents this way. I’ve been sending the little grandkids books or a craft or a surprise of some sort once a month since the middle of March. Why? Because shopping therapy is good! And it is heart-warming to make them happy.

I’ve turned to  reading and have read outside my comfort zone, and found new authors to enjoy. Making masks has renewed my love of sewing. I have 10 yds of fabric left and I'm going to make some summer blouses!

I usually bake once a week, the smell of baking cake can’t be duplicated and is aroma therapy in the home. I read somewhere that people bake in times of crisis because baking is something they can control. That’s me, baking every week now.

For structure in my life I’ve taken to making lists. I have a major chore list and an everyday chore list. Doing this I’ve managed to get some major household chores done during quarantine. The feeling of accomplishment is euphoric!

First thing on my daily list is a walk. Exercise is so important not only for health ­­­reasons, but physical exercise relieves stress, and releases endorphins. I must say I really miss my gym!

As cities begin to open up, we’re in phase 2, I am in no hurry to rush out to the store or a sit down restaurant etc. I’m of an age the virus could be deadly for me and my husband has a compromised immune system and lung issues. So we will be quarantining ourselves a while longer and always wearing a mask, rubber gloves etc.

The birds are done with their feast and have moved on. Not a care in the world!
Not so bad looking out the window at the backyard and all the pretty flowers my husband has grown.

During this time of quarantine/pandemic what are you doing to keep busy?


Lynn Lovegreen said...

I'm glad you are doing okay, Diana. I'm also doing more things at home, like gardening and baking. Now I have a few pounds to lose thanks to all my comfort food cooking, but that's a tiny problem compared to what is going on out there.

Take care.

Diana McCollum said...

Thanks for stopping by Lynn!

I too have a few extra pounds. Now I am making an effort not to eat between meals, have a glass of water or tea instead. I've managed to shed a 1 1/2 lbs!

It is hard to not eat when we are home all the time and can't go out to the gym or walking in the stores.

Sarah Raplee said...

I've been reading, cleaning and organizing a little at a time. Also Zooming with my sister and friends and faith community. Praying. Gardening. Like you, Diana, I send gifts to grandchildren. This month I'm getting plenty of ideas from the posts!

Dora Bramden said...

I've been crafting Diana. The depressing feelings that came with the world changed almost beyond recognition were weighing me down. I stumbled across a YouTube video of someone making a junk journal and I was hooked. Paper crafting has brought joy back. I'm now using junk journaling as a tool to do a structural edit on a book that I want to make some major rewrites. It's been a revelation! I've also been gardening, and am growing some winter greens at the moment. Each walk in the back yard is a mood lifter and I like taking my morning coffee out there when the weather permits.
Sewing masks is not yet something we need to do in Australia but I have some fabric at the ready should the need arise.

Peggy said...

Love your post, Diana, with all of the nature you have to enjoy. I am enjoying my garden and reading and doing lots of things that get put by the wayside in regular times. Oh, and writing, lots of writing.

Susan Chapek said...

Lovely photos, Diana.
Cooking and [sugarless] baking has become my hobby. Since we both worked at home during Ordinary Times, we used to eat most dinners out.
And I finally got aruond to seeding the hydroponic herb garden planter that Dear Boy gifted me with three years ago. Amazingly, the seeds all took, and now I search the web for simple recipes to use up the daily snippings of basil (Italian and Thai), dill, mint, and parsley.
By great good accidental timing, we installed a treadmill computer desk last year, so we can vary our writing and surfing postures.

Maggie Lynch said...

Sounds like you are keeping it together pretty well and know what brings you joy. I didn't know you were a sewer. What a wonderful thing to do. I know how to sew--used to make my own clothes long ago. But it is something I do not out of joy but out of necessity. So I admire people who enjoy it.

I agree 100% on the exercise. This is the time of year when we have more beautiful days than not, so it is great to get out. I've been considering changing my walking time to morning instead of late afternoon/evening. I'll think on that.

Thanks for sharing your COVID strategies. They are refreshing.

Deb N said...

I'm afraid my routine is normal. I'm used to being alone and writing. Except I did bake a cake - I think it is the first thing I've baked in many, many years. It was ALMOST fun. I say that because I used to work as a caterer and cook in restaurants and baking was a daily "have to" on the job. It took me a while to unearth my beaters :-) I was walking...a lot, but allergies are wrecking havoc, so that is out for now. So back to normal for me, write, write, write...and avoid news. But I have discovered more and more new writers, like you Diana, and enjoy watching the birds and flowers bloom. Like Maggie, I used to sew our of necessity. I'm not sure my machine would even work, although it is buried someone, just like my beaters were :-) The one thing I am doing is watching, waving, and yelling greetings to the parade of neighbors with dogs, kids on bicycles, etc. as everyone is trying to keep sane :-)

Diana McCollum said...

Sarah, you are keeping busy! And I really enjoy our Zoom meetings too.

Dora, I'm not sure what a junk journal is but I intend to look it up on Youtube. Very nice you have a yard to enjoy On days when it doesn't rain, I've been taking an early morning coffee out on the deck to enjoy too. I saw my first hummingbird the other day!

Hi, Peggy, thanks for stopping by. I know you are crazy busy with writing and your music and painting etc.

Susan, it sounds like you are really adapting well! Going from mostly take out meals to cooking at home. And a treadmill desk, awesome. Thanks for stopping by.

Maggie, I feel we all need to find some joy in each day. Some days I do get depressed and then I call my sister or one of my kids, that always perks me up. I love the early mornings. When I worked I woke up at 4:30 every morning. one hour to get ready for the day, a stop for a coffee on the way to work and an hour commute. I started at 7:00 am and got off at 3:30, loved it. Now my walks in the morning are any where from 7:00 am to 9:00 am. Usually no one else around. I've seen deer and quail and rabbits. Love it!

I'm proud of you Deb, for digging out your beaters and making a cake! I bet you have an awesome collection of recipe cards. Nice that you connect with your street walkers and dog walkers. That does make a difference even that small connection with another human.

Thanks everyone for stopping by!!!

Marcia King-Gamble said...

It sounds like you have filled your days and you certainly gave me some ideas. I've been gardening more and doing decluttering. I've cleaned closets and donated a bunch of stuff to charities. Now that my day job is on furlough I've been writing more. Great time to reassess my life and focus on a career that brings me joy. Exercise has always kept me in a good mood. Bravo to you!

Marie Harte said...

Great post, Diana. The birds are beautiful, and I agree 100% on getting exercise. It always makes me feel better too. I miss coffee with friends too. I need to order online, but I hate clothes shopping without trying anything on. So no clothes for a while, I guess. I keep writing and enjoying the sunny skies. What else can we do? :)

Judith Ashley said...

Diana, a great post that demonstrates we can find joy even in difficult times.