Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Happy Anniversary to 'Romancing The Genres'! What a fantastic achievement in staying relevant to the romance world and being so supportive of the genre, the writers and the readers.

Tin is the traditional gift for the 10th anniversary so here is a gorgeous old tin bucket - and my ten point bucket list.

1.  A white Christmas. Ideally in a small English village, or in New York. Everyone I know who lives with snow, hates it but I don't necessarily want to live with snow for months lol just have a cosy fire burning, snow falling outside, covering the ground and trees and a pine-scented Christmas tree with fairy lights. If we were snowed in for a few days, that would be perfect.

2. To keep writing romance until my fingers won't type anymore. Writing is such a big part of my life, I can't imagine a time when it's not a daily thing to sit and put words together and create a (hopefully) compelling story. Whether it's still writing for publication, or just for my own pleasure - it doesn't matter.

3. This is one I've had for as long as I can remember, and the least likely to achieve. To be in a beautiful ballroom, dressed in a gorgeous black velvet ball gown and be waltzed around the room (to a Strauss waltz) by a tall, good-looking guy who can really dance. Dancing is one of my greatest joys, and man who can dance is the sexiest thing. To really set the scene the room will be lit by hundreds of candles and the music will be played by a live orchestra.

4.  To rescue senior dogs. There's just something about really old pooches that tugs at my heart strings. I worked with dogs for a few years and my favorite time was just sitting with the oldies and their grey muzzles and making sure they were comfortable and happy.

 5.  Visit Venice. All of Italy fascinates me, but if I had to only pick one city it would be Venice. I have this bizarre sense that I've lived there centuries ago and the place holds an intriguing mystique for me. Ideally attending a carnivale ball and maybe fulfill wish No. 3 at the same time!

 6.  To be able to bake properly!!  I've tried and tried and tried and have maybe had one success out of twenty attempts to make either yummy cakes or biscuits or slices. I have no idea what I do wrong and why I've had so many failures, but to able to master the art would be amazing.

 7.  To have enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to do! I'm 'retired from my day job' so have as much time as anyone can have, but writing (and the business side that goes with it) eats into that time. There's so much else to do - upcycle furniture, take photographs, read, garden, travel ....

8.  Visit Paris and stay in a hotel with a spectacular view from your balcony. To be honest, just to be in Paris would be wonderful, but if I'm fantasizing, then I'm having the best!

 9.  To live, even for a little while, by the water. Preferably the ocean. Being around water is so calming and restful. Waking up to that every day, to be able to walk and get your feet wet, listen to the waves, just sit on the sand and take in the magnificence. Sighhhhh.

10.  A weekly trip to get my hair and nails done. This would be the ultimate luxury. I love being pampered at my favorite salon. A glass of wine (if you go on a Thursday or Friday night), a glorious scalp massage, frizz-free hair and perfectly painted nails. Bliss.


But until I can have even one of those, it's back to writing and living an already wonderful life.

Congrats again on having 10 years of success - and here's to many, many more!

 Check out my books on my Amazon Page !


Judith Ashley said...

What a great list! I'm with you on the pampering at a salon. the one I go to is acrylic free which is why I can go. But no wine on any day or night. I did go to a salon that had champagne available for special occasions. Well, any mani/pedi or massage was a special occasion for me!

I'll join you in Paris or the English village for a bit of snow but will pass on Venice. I was there once and did not find it enticing, charming or a place I'd want to revisit...but then I've never had the sense I'd lived there before. So you should definitely go and the idea of going during Carnival is inspired.

Sending positive travel vibes your way!

Deb N said...

Love this list. As someone who lives in the snowy NE of the USA, I'm not a big fan of lots of snow and having to shovel out. BUT...I do love a white Christmas. So snow is "allowed" from the week before Christmas until New Year's Day. After that...NO! But somehow the snow gods never listen to me. And this winter with very little snow seemed weird. I hope all your fantasies come true.

Maggie Lynch said...

What an interesting list! It sounds like you are a person who uses all your senses in everything you do. I'm fortunate in that many of the things you listed I've done at some time in my life. But #7 is one that I continue to try to find a way to "turn back time."

I wake every morning with the belief that there will be enough hours in the day to get all the things done I need to and want to. It NEVER ends up that way. Like you, I'm retired from a day job and most days are spent writing, thinking about writing, the business of writing, and I try to squish in other things--home maintenance, seeing other people besides DH, doing a few fun things. It just is never-ending. :)

But I would much rather be in this position of too much to do, than in the position of nothing of interest to do.