Thursday, May 20, 2021

Notebook anyone?

 While I haven't been around for Romancing the Genre's for ten years, I know I have been very blessed for the time I have been. 

There is so much wonderful content shared on here and everyone is so nice. Let's have a doughnut (or several) to celebrate and talk about notebooks. Besides doughnuts, notebooks are an addiction of mine. I have sooooo many...

Why do I have so many? Well, because... because I do. And since it's the blog's 10th anniversary, I thought I share with you my top 10 things to do with notebooks.


  • Your five senses: what you see, smell, hear, taste and touch every day.
  • A list of your doings each day. Author Austin Kleon keeps a “logbook.” In this post, he writes, “…keeping a simple list of who/what/where means I write down events that seem mundane at the time, but later on help paint a better portrait of the day, or even become more significant over time. By sticking to the facts I don't pre-judge what was important or what wasn't, I just write it down.”
  • What makes you happy, what makes you smile.
  • What you what to know more about. For instance, your notebook might be a list of questions and their answers (and likely more questions). It’s a powerful thing to be able to pose questions and seek out their answers; to explore and examine and investigate. In many places, people don’t have this right.
  • Other people’s conversations - this is a writer's thing :-)
  • Quotes that inspire you, make you smile, or remind you of someone or something.
  • Your hopes and dreams, and how you’ll make them happen.
  • Places you want to visit and why.
  • All the different things you want to create. Today. Next week. Next month.
  • Books you’d like to read, and your thoughts on the ones you’ve read.

There are so many more ways... 
What are some of your favorite ways to use a notebook?



Shannon said...

Oh I LOVE notebooks. I have several that I use for different things, and quite a collection I haven’t even cracked open yet.

Luanna Stewart said...

Another lover of notebooks here! I use one as a modified bullet journal, another as a daily diary, another to keep track of notes from webinars, another with notes, ideas, characters for a new get the idea. Plus several on my bookshelf, all new and pristine and unblemished, that are waiting their turn.

Judith Ashley said...

Who knew! I'm not one to journal...started a few times but I don't think I made it longer than a few weeks or maybe a month. (I've a friend who has decades worth of journals). I do keep calendars (2 for work and 2 for beauty) and task lists - on a piece of paper that I save for sometimes years as they get tucked into my tax receipts. Oh, and I have those yellow legal-type pads (not the long ones). That's where I keep my notes for tasks for things like this blog, organizations I belong to and agree to do stuff). When a sheet is full or the tasks completed it goes into a pile/notebook for that group.

Hmm, seems complicated writing it out but it does work for me. At one point I attempted to do things on my computer but I can look something up faster the way I organize than I could even get my computer up and running much less do something on my phone.

And I believe you make notebooks/journals for people don't you, Lyncee?

Maggie Lynch said...

What a great idea for a post! I have always been a notebook person, but they rarely end up being used as I intended. I start off well, with intentions of being well-organized, having checklists, or ideas I can easily put my hands on. But then...I give up on all that organization rather quickly as my mind is not organized and it doesn't work. (Why I don't ever buy planners anymore)

So I use them in a way that makes sense to me. I do jot down notes, task lists, character ideas, contacts in the moment. What the note book has become for me is a way to simply catch everything in my day and know it is in a bound book that I can put my hands on without looking too hard. Sometimes I have to go back weeks to find the thing I wrote down but I usually DO find it.

I also agree it really helps if they are pretty. Beauty makes me want to open it and write in it.