Friday, July 16, 2021

A Peace of Me


Hi, I'm Pippa Jay, author of sci-fi and supernatural stories to engage your emotions. And this month's topic is peace.

Peace for me is time in my home alone. Not that I actually see much of my three kids when I'm at home. Eldest was mostly at uni, pandemic permitting, and the two boys are far more interested in their computer games than mum. During lockdown I got used to an almost hermit existence - they were all learning virtually and hubs continued to work, while I turned to some online learning of my own, repairs and kit making, and some sneaky story editing. 

Or I was busy DIY-ing - a cattio for my indoor kitties, improvement to my chicken run, or gardening. 

Sitting in my garden and watching my chooks potter around making contented sounds was definitely a peaceful way to spend lockdown...loudly DIY-ing neighbours permitting.

For my characters, peace is a varied thing. My main sci-fi romance couple love their Island beach paradise on an alien planet. For my cloned assassin Tyree, it's the fully artificial and enclosed environs of her home city, floating in the clouds. For my teen zombie in Restless in Peaceville, it would be just to stay dead! 

And if I can't find time in isolation, it would be listening to music. I can't go a day without it. So I will leave you with one of the latest from my favourite band, one of their more restful songs. Enjoy!


Lyncee said...

There is something about animals that brings peace... well unless they want to eat me :-) But otherwise very peaceful. And I agree with music. We have it playing almost all the time inside and outside.

Judith Ashley said...

Pippa, you are so handy. Your Cattio is amazing!

Maggie Lynch said...

I agree with you about isolation. I need to be away from people and things for a period of time each day to find peace. Nature, animals, the sounds of the earth are wonderful.

I love all your projects, particularly the catio which is something I've dreamed of making happen but probably never will. I do know others who find peace in doing things like that--a way of focusing on one thing and bringing it to fruition. For me that is writing stories, but I know many who do that in other ways--painting, scultping, building, designing. Thanks for sharing all your pics.