Friday, January 14, 2022

Finding a Writing Path!

by Diana McCollum


First let me say my writing career has been on hiatus. 2019, Like many of you the pandemic stopped me in my tracks. I couldn’t seem to get a grip on what I should be doing, and I let things slide and my writing went nowhere.


2021, still dealing with the pandemic, sanitizing like crazy, wiping down groceries with sanitizer, washing masks, and avoiding people. Then in April of 2021, my husband and I took a trip to CA to have our first visit in 18 months with family. On that trip we decided to move back to CA to be closer to family. 

We put our house up for sale May 3rd and it sold by May 25th .  Then back to CA to find a home to move to. So the summer was all about moving and getting settled.


This year 2022, we are pretty much settled. I am taking the path to publication.

 I have committed to taking writing classes from POV Authors, restarting my newsletter, blogging for Romancing the Genres and Windtree Press. I’ve blocked out time each week to write on my work in progress. I also plan on venturing out of the romance genre and writing a short murder mystery to be included in an anthology Windtree Press is producing in the fall.

I’m pulling out an unfinished MS “The Rose Witch” and intend to finish that novel this year.


I am excited to finally be excited to write again. My desk in clean, papers have been filed or discarded, and calendar has been filled out with dates for classes etc.


Most of all, I’d love to attend a conference in person. There is nothing quite like being around other authors. The excitement, the good vibes and the networking, all good.


Are you looking forward to in person conferences and meetings?

Happy Holidays!




Judith Ashley said...

Interesting post, Diana. To answer your question, I am not looking forward to in person conferences and meetings. I find them draining, exhausting unless very small - maybe up to 20 people. You are much more of a social being than I am so I wish you well in finding those in person conferences/meetings in 2022.

Diana McCollum said...

Thanks for stopping by Judith. I don't think I will find any in person conferences this year what with the surge in COVID.

Maggie Lynch said...

Sounds like lots of upeaval and adapting in 2021. I like all of your plans for 2022. I believe this will be a banner year for you, Diana.

Deb N said...

Diana, you have been "on-the-go" for a year with packing, moving, settling in. SO happy to see you are now organizing your writing life to move forward. The past 2 years have been hard on our creativity, for sure. I too look forward to in-person writing gatherings. But I'm not going to rush it if it isn't safe. But being with other writers and talking, learning new skills, etc. gives me energy to move forward with writing. But thank goodness for all the ZOOM meetings. that has helped!