The beginning of the year is a great time to do something new. Want to try a new hobby, join a club, work toward a big goal? You can do one or all of those things—a new year, a new you!
I’m guessing you already have a new year’s resolution or other goal for your “official” commitment for this year. Let me suggest some smaller things you might try during 2022. These items may not be earth-shaking, but they will provide moments of satisfaction or joy. That’ll give you the feeling of a new you!
· Put on a favorite song. Sing along or dance to it.
· Take a new route on your next walk.
· Try a movie or TV show that sounds intriguing.
· Play—ride a bike, play a game, or skip down the sidewalk.
· Try a new food.
· Watch birds, either at a neighborhood feeder or out in nature.
· Tell someone thank you.
· Pull a favorite item out of your closet and wear it for a whole day.
· Watch rain fall or the clouds roll by.
· Make a list of five things you admire about yourself.
After you’ve done something new or fun or satisfying, are your shoulders a little less heavy? Do you feel bright as a shiny penny? Then you’re new in 2022! Good for you!
Any ideas to add to my list? What makes you feel joy?
Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for most of her life. After twenty years in the classroom, she retired to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering for her local library. Her young adult historical romance is set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at
I create a vision board every year. Most posts involve travel or some activity that makes me happy. I like that changing things up a little can make the difference in your day and outlook.
My #1 task is to remind myself to be gentle and kind with me especially when I am taking longer than I'm "supposed to". So self-care - do something nice for myself. It may be as simple as saying to myself "that went well" or thanking someone for moving out to the street so we have our 3 - 6 feet physical distance when I'm on a walk. All of that underpins my #1 priority which is to live here, in the now and be present in this moment in time.
Excellent ideas, Marcia and Judith. We can all find ways to lighten our loads.
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