Thursday, January 27, 2022

Will we get back to normal in 2022?

2021 was a turbulent year for many, and I'm personally hoping for a much more even-keel 2022.

Unable to Write

I've been writing obsessively since childhood. It's my passion. But I was taken by surprise by how my emotions so vehemently affected my output last year. I'm usually juggling multiple book projects and felt a day without writing was a day wasted. 

I just didn't feel in the mood to write. 

I tried, believe me. But my creativity had other ideas. My brain wouldn't let me grasp onto a thought long enough to turn it into a sentence, let alone a paragraph. It wasn't for a lack of ideas. I have more than a few partially-finished books that just need a few more chapters written to get them ready for the editing. I just couldn't summon enthusiasm to tackle any of them.

2021 was an emotional roller coaster ride of a year. Grief encased my brain like a vice and the only respite was when I opened my sketchbook. I was able to lose myself in the simplicity of an inked line, and wallow in the myriad of watercolours swimming in my palette.

So I put my computer aside and embraced the comfort of my art materials. Sometimes you just have to stop fighting against the tide and go with the flow.

Tonkin's Model of Grief

I've seen it mentioned multiple times online, that grief doesn't shrink (click to view a wonderful depiction of this), your life just grows around it. And less than half a year after my loss, I think this concept, originally defined by Tonkin, is the most palatable.

So as my life continues to expand around my grief, I'm hoping there's room enough in it to return to writing.

About Jay Artale

Jay Artale
 abandoned her corporate career to become a digital nomad and full-time writer. 
She’s an avid blogger, podcaster, and nonfiction author helping travel writers and travel bloggers achieve their self-publishing goals. She shares tips, advice, and inspiration to writers with an independent spirit at her website Birds of a Feather Press, and documents her travels and artistic endeavours at her blog Roving Jay. Follow her on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter.

Jay is the author of A Turbulent Mind: A Poetry Collection of a Mother's Journey with Alzheimer's.



Judith Ashley said...

Jay, I'm so glad you are taking care of yourself with art which is another creative outlet. Many of us have been on parallel journeys ... I know I've been grieving the loss of many things this past year. I don't draw and I've not been writing...rereading old favorites has gotten me through to this year. Sending you love and light.

Eleri Grace said...

Jay, I'm with you! My creativity has been at a low ebb, especially with regard to writing. I've had a tough time even summoning the energy to blog for RTG in the last few months. Here's to 2022 returning some of the creativity and stories again!