Saturday, October 1, 2022

Images of Things that Go Bump in the Night by Sarah McDermed


Courtesy of 
The Graphics Fairy - Vintage Images, DIY Tutorials & Craft Projects

Welcome to October, 2022, when, in much of the world, Halloween is a welcome distraction from the all-too-real threats we face. We’d rather face imaginary characters and creatures than threats of war, politics and disease. (Not to mention inflation).

What are some of the characters or creatures that scare you? Bats? Black cats? Owls? Witches? 

These bats look positively cute and cuddly to me. If one got in my attic, it might bump around and startle me, but it's unlikely to hurt me.

This mischievous black cat just wants to play, and maybe chase the bats out of the attic.

Looks like this wise owl is hard at work getting rid of rodent pests. He's welcome to perch on my roof.

One night a few weeks ago, I decided to take out the garbage before getting ready for bed. My husband had fallen asleep on the living room couch.  

I had just dropped the trash bag into the can when I heard an enormous thump on the roof of my husband's shop. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. I wished I'd turned on the porch light.

I snuck into the house and grabbed the flashlight we keep in the kitchen. Then I ever-so-quietly returned to the driveway and waited in the darkness. After a few minutes, scraping and scrabbling noises came from the back of the shop roof.  I suppressed a shiver. Whatever-it-was, was still up there.

I aimed my flashlight, held my breath, and thumbed the button.

A large creature leapt through the narrow beam of light in a blur of brown fur and red eyeshine as it jumped off the roof and over the fence onto the neighbor's property,

What was it?

Not a cougar. Not a burglar. Definitely not a witch.

A deer that went bump in the night!

Here is a Halloween Fairy with a wish for you:


Paty Jager said...

Sarah, I do not like bats! The attic of my parent's house became a bat nursery and there were bats tumbling out of cracks in the wall once a week during the summer. And flying around in the upstairs bedrooms at night when you tried to sleep. One night I insisted my newlywed husband catch the bat and get rid of it because I couldn't sleep hearing it flapping around. That was a scene that has stuck in my brain. Hubby in underwear using a shirt to catch the bat, and me opening and closing the door to the room, trying to get out without it getting out. I can laugh now but back then, I was terrified! Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Great story, Paty! Thanks for stopping by.

Deb N said...

Love this, but I agree with Paty about bats in the belfry ... or our houses. And when my cat snuck in an open window with her bat and deposited it as a gift on my bathroom rug, I got a scare that kept me up all night ... After that - no open windows without screens and lights on all night in the bathroom. UGH!