Wednesday, March 15, 2023

March is Busting Out All Over!

By: Marcia King-Gamble

I love spring, don’t you? The smells, the sights, the sounds. While this may seem odd to you, considering the region of the country I live in, (we do have spring down south). The first sign is the Forsythia in full bloom. Yellow has always made me feel happy.

 March is here, and the first signs of Spring are in the air.  The stores are deep in it. There are bunnies and tulips just about everywhere.

 Beware the Ides of March they say. That would be March 15th! Known as the day that Julius Cesar was assassinated. Ironic, that in Rome, back then, it was known as the day most debts were settled. I guess Cesar certainly got his.

 While the Ides, though memorable. is not considered a holiday, there are other celebrations in March, that are hard to forget, some more than others, given the below list.

Have you even heard of some of these celebrations?

  • Irish American Heritage Month
  • Music in Our Schools Month
  • National Celery Month
  • National Craft Month
  • National Frozen Food Month
  • National Irish American Heritage Month- designated by Congress in 1995.
  • National Nutrition Month
  • National Peanut Month
  • National Women’s History Month
  • Red Cross Month
  • Social Workers Month

Where is St. Patrick's Day on this illustrious list? 

In March, most of us look forward to The Oscar's and the outrageous gowns worn. This year it was hosted by Talk Show Host, Jimmy Kimmel. 

It's known as quite the fashion show and some of the gowns are just unbelievable. Who would really wear them out? All I can say about the one below is "OMG!" People are still buzzing, and perhaps that's the point. 

My favorite I call "Lady in Red" worn by the British model, Cara Delevingne. Elegance personified.

Whatever your opinion, March is busting out all over! I sure would like to hear your opinion of who wore it best. 

About Marcia King-Gamble

USA bestselling romance writer, Marcia King-Gamble originally hails from a sunny Caribbean island, where the sky and ocean are the same mesmerizing shade of blue. This former travel industry executive has spent most of life in the United States. A National Bestselling author, Marcia has penned over 34 books and 8 novellas. She has contributed to Michael Fiore’s DigitalRomanceInc and served as a moderator on the now defunct eHarmony advice boards. Having witnessed the bad, the ugly, and the not so good in relationships, she still prefers to write about happily ever after. Caring for her animal family keeps her grounded and sane.


Judith Ashley said...

Comment on clothes: Not the see-through dress. I did like several others including the red one because I saw them as elegant.

Comment on list of March holidays: National Celery Month? Ick...not only have I never heard of it, I'd never celebrate it. National Frozen Food Month? Another one I've never heard of and I do like the convenience of frozen food. I have heard of and/or celebrated the others. And yes, St. Patrick's Day? I'd think that was a 'stand alone' although I expect it is folded into Irish American Heritage Month.

I love this kind of post. Stretches my imagination and informs me of some of the weird and wonderful things about the world in which I live.

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Judith thanks for stopping by. We do indeed live in a weird and wonderful world. I do think they make up some of these National Days!

Sarah Raplee said...

I agree with you on the gowns, Marcia. The Lady in Red is stunning.

I had heard of National Women's History Month and Irish Heritage Month. Red Cross Month sounds good. So do National Music in Our Schools Month and National Nutrition Month. The rest? meh!

Diana McCollum said...

I love the beautiful red dress, the other? not so much.

I was born on the ides of March! So I've always celebrated that day. Years ago our American tax system required taxes to be filed on the ides of March. Later on it was changed to April 15th.

As for all the "celebrations" listed for March. When there is that many to consider , it doesn't make any one of them special in my Opinion.

I enjoyed your blog post.

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Sarah, what I have found interesting is many people post on their Facebook and Instagram pages based on these National Days. I guess it makes content easier.

Marcia King-Gamble said...

What an interesting piece of information Diana. Happy Ides of March Birthday. Belated but nevertheless sincere! At least you don't have to worry about filing taxes on such a special day!

Liv Rancourt said...

Cara Delevigne in that red dress!! She was my best-dressed of the night. And Ciara's gonna Ciara. LOL. And my husband bought us passes to Murphy's Irish Pub for tonight, so I guess I'll be getting my Irish on. Happy St. Patrick's Day, and happy belated birthday!

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Way too much black for me at the Oscar's. You don't get much more Irish than Murphy's Pub, Liv.