Here we are in the first full week of March and there are so many fun and exciting things to celebrate. For some reason, this is National Celery Month. My hubby will be excited. Me? Take it or leave it. Though I admit it adds a little something to an egg salad sandwich.
More exciting for me, March is also National Peanut Month. Given the choice between celery and peanuts, I’ll take the latter any day. And I’ll enjoy the legume in either sweet foods like peanut butter cookies with or without chocolate chips, or savoury foods like Thai noodles with spicy peanut sauce.
When we delve into daily celebrations, well, sorry, but you missed National Pig Day on the 1st. Or maybe you didn’t miss it. I’d love to hear how you celebrated! We also missed If Pets Had Thumbs Day on the 3rd. I’m not sure how that would change the world, but I suspect it wouldn’t be good. However, as you’re reading this on the 7th, you’re just in time to celebrate National Cereal Day. It’s never too late in the day to enjoy a bowl of crispy, crunchy flakes of the grain of your choice. Cereal for supper is a thing. And you can certainly use a cereal grain in savoury cooking – beef and barley soup, anyone? Hm… I’m making myself hungry.
March 9th is Barbie Day. I still have my Barbie doll, in her special carrying case, with all her clothes, shoes, and accessories. My Barbie even had custom knitted outfits, thanks to my Grammy O. Perhaps I’ll celebrate by giving Barbie some fresh air, change her outfit, and relive some of the adventures we enjoyed. And I’ll cap off the day by honouring Popcorn Lover’s Day with a bowl of stove-top popcorn made by my hubby.
Huzzah! The 12th is when Daylight Savings begins at 2:00 a.m. I’m all for dropping the whole time change thing. It’s outlived its usefulness, in my opinion.
All hail the mighty potato chip! March 14th is National Potato Chip Day!!! Whether you believe it was William Kitchiner of England in 1817, or George Crum (Speck) of New York in 1853, the inventor should be honoured with much rejoicing. And we should feast on potato chips all day. In fact, NOT eating potato chips should be illegal. I’m rather pedestrian in my potato chip flavours, preferring plain old plain or ripple-cut. With French onion dip (Particularly on March 23, National Chip & Dip Day. But one assumes any type of chip would do, not necessarily a potato chip.). Second choice is salt & vinegar. Third choice is a snack up here called Hickory Sticks, potato chips cut in thin strips with a salty, smoky flavour. Delicious!
My friend, let’s call her Jane, has a son-in-law who I’m sure will celebrate Extraterrestrial Abductions Day on the 20th. I’ll leave it to your imagination as to why.
But for the rest of us, the 20th is the first day of spring, or the Vernal Equinox, or Ostara, or however you want to celebrate longer, warmer days, dreams of picnics in the park, and planting the vegetable garden.
Almost weekly, I make a trip to a nearby bulk foods store called, wait for it, Bulk Barn. And because I’m being such a good doobie about minimizing packaging (I take my own containers), I reward myself with one of my favourite treats to eat on the drive home. I’ll be sure to indulge myself a little bit extra on the 24th, National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day.
And to round off the month, the 31st is World Backup Day. Holy, moly, if you backup your computer files only once a year, you are a gambler. Playing with fire. Poking the tiger. Putting all your eggs in one basket made of spider webs.
Now excuse me while I search out a peanut recipe, add potato chips to the grocery list, and make a special treat for my hens on March 19th, National Poultry Day.
Luanna Stewart has been creating adventures for her imaginary friends since childhood. She spends her days writing contemporary romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, and historical romance. When not torturing her characters, she’s in her kitchen baking something delicious. She lives in Nova Scotia with her patient husband and five hens.
Oh my, Luanna - you will have a busy March, for sure. Loved this fun post. Here's to celebrating chips and chickens and chocolate covered raisins and such. Hmmmm, I'm getting hungry. Enjoy your day and March!
Great way to start my day? Reading your post. Did you know that you are, maybe not a multi-billion or maybe it's millionaire but all that original Barbie stuff you have has some value. I think it might even be in the thousands of dollars if my "Antiques Road Show" memory is right.
I'll check for peanuts. I already have potato chips and chocolate although not chocolate covered raisin. Just remembered I'll have Thai peanut sauce on the 9th and the 30th when I have lunch with a friend at a local Thai restaurant! Glad to be doing my part to celebrate!
Fun, informative blog post! Had to laugh at some of the special days.
Your post made me smile, in spite of the fact this just became "the day our well pump died"! Thanks for lifting my spirits :-)
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