Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Number Eleven - A Power Number in Numerology .... Delsora Lowe

It’s May, and we're honoring the Romancing the Genres anniversary month. In the year 2023, that means RTG is celebrating its twelfth anniversary. Twelve is the RTG Blog’s special number for 2023. So, here’s to a Happy Anniversary to all the regular and guest bloggers who have participated over the years. And to all the readers who visit us!

Since we are celebrating numbers, I chose the number 11, because it reminds me of my youngest grandson.

The number of things that include 11, including many mathematical explanations, filled a very long page. There are many sports that have eleven players (soccer, field hockey, football, etc.) on the field at a time. And the number eleven has many meanings in religion and folk lore, and as special holidays worldwide on 11/11. There’s even an eleven-sided die, that when tossed favors certain numbers because of the uneven sides. For more fun facts about the number 11, here’s one source: 
11 Astonishing FactsAbout the Number 11 - 11 Points

But for me, the number eleven has meaning because it was my grandson’s number during his younger years in sports (hockey, lacrosse, and soccer.) Back when he played youth sports and his dad couched, he could choose his number. Eleven was also the number my son wore on many athletic jerseys up through high school. The last few years have been difficult because many athletic events were limited in the number of family members who could attend, due to COVID. So, I missed seeing the last of his number 11 days on the field, and that made me sad. Luckily, I have plenty of photos plastered on my refrigerator of my grandson wearing his various jerseys.

Now he’s older and on various junior high teams and local sports leagues, where he travels all over the state and at times to other states. And he gets assigned a number. I miss #11.

But what I will not miss this year, is celebrating with Romancing the Genres on their anniversary.


In honor of the 12th Anniversary:
Happy 12th Anniversary Generistas! Sign up for contributing RTG blogger's Newsletters so you can be eligible to win books, gift cards and 
other fun stuff. 
Drawing May 30th! 

The Love Left Behind: Hartford Estate





~ cottages to cabins ~ keep the home fires burning ~

Delsora Lowe writes small town sweet and spicy romances and contemporary westerns from the mountains of Colorado to the shores of Maine.

Author of the Starlight Grille series, Serenity Harbor Maine novellas, and the Cowboys of Mineral Springs series, and the novella The Love Left Behind, Lowe has also authored short romances for Woman’s World magazine. Recently released were two Christmas stories: The Inn on Gooseneck Lane and Holiday Hitchhiker.


Social Media Links:
Author website
Facebook Author page:
Amazon Author page:
Books2Read Author page:
BookBub Author Page:
Goodreads Author Page:
Instagram: #delsoralowe / https://www.instagram.com/delsoralowe/

Photo Credits
Anniversary:  Anniversary greetings on happy anniversary clip art 3 - Clipartix 
Number Eleven: Made on Canva  
Grandson: photo taken by family members


Judith Ashley said...

Deb, I remember going to those games (baseball, football) when my son was growing up and also granddaughters' softball games. I am missing great grandson's games but I do get updates! His dad was a superstar athlete and Carter has inherited the eye/hand coordination, spatial relations, etc that help one hit a ball and catch a ball.

Good for you keeping those special days special to you.

Deb N said...

Judith - they are special days. I feel like I have missed so much with Covid, but I'm hoping to get back into going to games. These days, as my grandson gets older, there is a lot more traveling involved to get to games. But spring is here and travel is easier than going to hockey games.

Diana McCollum said...


My fridge looks like yours with pictures of grandkids in sports outfits.
Right now the grandson who lives the closest to us is in Track and field. Soon , summer he will be in football. I love going to the games and the track meets. Besides seeing him I get to visit with my daughter and son=in=law.
Great blog post on the number 11!!!