Friday, June 2, 2023

Summer or Winter? I Choose ______

 Hi, I’m Judith Ashley, author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, soul nourishing romantic women’s fiction with light paranormal elements. My stories show you what life could be like if you had a place like The Circle where you are unconditionally accepted, supported and loved. And where, with this support, you make choices to overcome the darkest nights and choose love and light.

Do you prefer Summer or Winter?

If I had to choose one or the other, I’d choose Winter.


Because, while I don’t mind the sun, I don’t want it shining every day and for long hours each day. I am also not a fan of heat much less humidity.  And for me “heat” is over 80 degrees.

Yes, I’m definitely a Native of the Northwest USA. I sometimes tell people that moss grows on my north side…if you are from this area that is an apt description.

What I find interesting is that I actually have some of the same symptoms my friends with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) have in the long hot summer days. SAD is attributed to not having enough exposure to sunlight. Isn’t it interesting that I have those same symptoms when exposed to lots of sunlight?

Hats with large brims, dark glasses, keeping the blinds drawn, etc. become a way of life once the temps start rising.

This year in May we’ve had record breaking temperatures – 5

over 90 degrees! And at last count (I’m writing this on May 25), over 13 days in the 80’s. Low 80’s I can manage if the humidity is low. What that means for me is I’m already rooting for Fall to appear…not that my rooting will make the Wheel of The Year turn any faster.

The Sacred Women's Circle Series

So when people are high-fiving and out running or walking or just being outside because it is Sunny and Hot, I’ll be tucked in my house with the heat pump on cool. If I have to go out, I’ll grab that wide-brimmed hat, long sleeved shirt, don my mask and go forth to take care of errands or to do the extra watering plants and trees need when the temperatures soar.

If you haven’t yet read my books, they are a great vacation or beach read if I do say so myself.

Not into fiction? My non-fiction Staying Sane in A Crazy World gives you a process you can personalize to reduce your stress.

You can find all of my books at your favorite e-book vendor. Be sure to ask your local library if you’d prefer to read my books through that resource.

Learn more about Judith's fiction The Sacred Women’s Circle series and her non-fiction at

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

You can also find Judith on FB! 

© 2023 Judith Ashley


Diana McCollum said...

Spring and fall are my favorite times of the year. i don't like the heat of summer or the very cold winter days.
I enjoyed your blog post.

Judith Ashley said...

Thanks, Diana. If the pollen count was lower in spring and fall, I'd probably choose one of them. Winter I have less issues with allergies and that makes a difference for me.

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Judith you would be very unhappy living where I live, since we have eternal summer with lots of humidity.

Judith Ashley said...

Marcia, I've been to Hollywood and Orlando, Florida for conferences. I managed okay at the Hollywood conference as I mostly stayed indoors. The Orlando conference had an afternoon and dinner planned at Sea World. I did not fare as well there. I do think, in time, our bodies can acclimate to different climates. I also know that I lived in Cleveland, OH for two summer months and hadn't acclimated at all during that time. I see pictures you sometimes share of your corner of the world and it is beautiful. Lower the temp and take out the humidity and I'd be very happy there. Mother Nature seldom pays any attention to me.

Deb N said...

I agree, Judith - about hating heat and humidity. But even in the winter, it seems the humidity is showing up more and more. My favorite seasons are those in between - fall and spring. I need to sunlight to function. This week in Maine is a week-plus of overcast and little sun. And all I want to do is sleep the day away. So I do need to know the sun is shining.

Judith Ashley said...

Thanks for sharing your Maine climate/weather with me. I don't seem to notice the humidity in the winter although when the east winds are blowing, I know it is low. It's the pollen that gets me in the spring. With lower pollen counts, I'd enjoy spring much more.