My husband and I like to spend time going through thrift shops. We have found some spectacular deals, and have bought some things that turn out to be duds.
My husband likes to barter with the people, and in thrift shops you can sometimes get the cost down by quite a bit, especially if the item has sat in the store for a long period of time.
Here in Paradise there's Snoop Sisters Thrift shop, Jeanie's Thrift shop, and five more Antique and thrift shops. So as you can imagine we can spend a whole morning or afternoon just browsing!
This post is about Jeanie's Thrift shop. Last weekend we browsed through the shop. There is a table with a local farmers produce already bagged up and ready to be bought. That was our first item. A bag of mixed fresh fruit, nectarines, peaches, plums (two kinds).
After looking through the store I found the item I wanted.
The Department 56 ornament box caught my eye. If you are a collector you know these items are very spendy brand new.
I excitedly opened the box.
There inside was the sweetest jeweled dashound Angel! The top opens up to a little jewel box with a silver colored heart.
And it was marked $12.50. I couldn't believe the price for such a precious dashound.
When we got home I looked up on e-bay to see how collectable this little dashound was, and low and behold he is selling for $75.00!!
I won't be selling him as he will be a Christmas present for someone.
So best shopping trip ever! I got quite the deal. And I know the person who is getting this dashound for Christmas will be thrilled!
Forgive me, for some reason I've messed up the settings and my typing starts in the middle of the page.
The worst thrift shop buy was on the same day at a different thrift shop. My husband bartered with the lady for a reel and old fishing pole. She knocked $10 off the price and he bought both. When we got home he realized the fishing pole was unfixable. Therefore, he never got a deal at all.
Now to address the title of my blog "What to do with this old jacket?".
I never knew this till I read it in one of the newsletters I receive, there are thrift shops online. One called
Thredup you can shop on that site, but you can also send a box of clothes, purses etc (no household goods) free of charge and they list the clothes and sell them. They keep a percentage and you are mailed a check when your items sell. It doesn't cost you a thing except time to sort through your clothes. If they can't sell the clothes you can pay to have them sent back to you or they will donate or recycle in some other way.
What a great way to keep clothing out of the landfills. The other ones you can sell on yourself are e-bay and Etsy . Donate those old clothes or recycle or get a little cash for them, it's up to you. Please don't throw in the garage as our landfills don't need them!!
Have you ever sold anything online?
Diana, I've not sold anything online except for my e-books. I'd not heard of Thredup. I have Ridwell and they take "threads" so clothes, fabric, etc. When I looked to see their service area, I found a list of other companies. What I like best is they pick up and are very clear about what they take and don't take.
You certainly have a lot of thrift and antique stores in Paradise!
Yes, for the small population here it is a lot of stores. I believe they cater to the bigger cities around, like Chico and Oroville. There are ads in the papers there about visiting Paradise and the antique store trail.
The e-store that will sell clothes for you have restrictions too on what they will and will not take.
Thanks for stopping by.
Love the jewelled dashound, Sis!!! I can guess who on your Christmas list might receive it, but my lips are sealed!!! Great post!
What fun, Diana. We have a few similar shops in the region. I always recycle clothes. Even my old tattered t- shirts or turtlenecks get new use as cleaning cloths. Fun post!
My daughter-in-law is the queen of finding bargains in thrift stores, garage sales, etc. She's especially good at spotting furniture that can be fixed or painted or rehabbed in some way and then sold in one of her booths in two different antique malls. She keeps my son busy helping her with the furniture. He does a lot of moving things around.
That dachshund is really pretty! What a find! I love finding goodies like that in thrift shops. There have been a few things I've bought from a thrift shop, used for a few years, and then re-donated again! A footstool...or two...and a Brother typewriter. Remember those? :). I donated mine years ago, realized I still needed one for forms, bought one at Value Village, used it a few years until digital totally took over, and the-donated it!
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