Monday, April 1, 2024

3 Things I Do Well by Paty Jager

The theme this month is "3 things I do well." 

 1) I am a good listener. I don't mind listening to people when they feel they need to talk something out or get something off their chest. Sometimes I suggest things, and sometimes I just listen, nod my head, and hope the spewing gets their emotions settled or they talk out the problem themselves. But I don't deal with conflict. If there is something that a person wants help figuring out and is willing to listen to suggestions, I'm in. But if they don't really want help and argue about what I say, then I close my mouth and don't give any advice. Life is too short to have people arguing with you about something they brought up. But don’t ask me questions about what you’ve said sometime later. While I can be in the moment during the conversation, my brain can only retain so much and while your problem was important to me when you were talking it isn’t something I will repeat to anyone because I won’t remember most of it. I’ll remember the emotion but not the words. *shrug* That’s what happens when your memory can only hold so much. 

 2) I'm a good storyteller. The trait has been with me my whole life. But as an adult, I learned how to make storytelling into writing a book. I’m still not great at grammar, sentence structure, and the things that make a good book great. However, I can keep a reader in my books until the end because I conjure up likable, relatable characters and keep them interacting and moving toward a goal at the end of the book. 

 3) I am rarely late for anything. My first pregnancy my oldest daughter came later than the doctor figured but the next two were early. ;) I don't like to be the last person to enter a room. All eyes are on you and I don't like making a scene. I usually get to a workshop or event early so I can get settled and watch everyone else come in. If I'm the speaker, I am early so the person running the event doesn't have to worry about me being late or not showing up. Even for appointments, I am at least fifteen minutes early. Or earlier if it's my first time to a place. I don't understand people who slide into an appointment with the comment, “I didn't know where you were located.” You look it up beforehand, figure out how long it will take, and then add on 30 minutes. That is my rule. It is always better to be early than late. That way you and the person you are meeting aren't frazzled when you finally meet.

3 Things I'm working at doing well

1) I am trying to learn how to better market my audiobooks. If you like to listen to Audiobooks, two of my first-in-series books are on sale at Kobo Audiobooks this month. Double Duplicity at $1.99 and Murder of Ravens at $2.99  

2) I am trying to do more YouTube videos and social media videos. I don't like having my photo taken or being in front of a camera.  But I am trying hard to get a few more videos up as it seems people on social media react to those more than the ones showing books. 

3) Not falling behind in my promoting schedule or my writing schedule. Even though I  have more travel coming up this year. I want to have books I've scheduled come out on time and be able to go on trips without feeling like I'm falling behind. 

Okay, more than you wanted to know but those are the 3 things I think I do well and 3 things I need to improve.

Paty Jager is an award-winning author of 56 novels, 10 novellas, and numerous anthologies of murder mystery and western romance. All her work has Western or Native American elements in them along with hints of humor and engaging characters. Paty and her husband raise alfalfa hay in rural eastern Oregon. Riding horses and battling rattlesnakes, she not only writes the western lifestyle, she lives it. This is what Books a Plenty Book Reviews has to say about the Gabriel Hawke series: "The blend of nature tracking, clues, and the animals makes for a fascinating mystery that is hard to put down."


Instagram - @patymjager

YouTube - @PatyJager

Facebook – Author Paty Jager


Judith Ashley said...

Paty, I'm right with you on punctuality. And I do the same thing in terms of estimating time when I've never been there before. And thanks for adding the top three things you're working to improve.

FYI: I'd add to your list "Supporting other authors and writing friends"

Paty Jager said...

Judith, Thanks! I didn't even think of that one! To me being late isn't an option. It makes me so nervous when I think I'm going to be late. Thank you for commenting!

Deb N said...

good blog - and love the 3 things you want to do better. Nothing more motivating than setting goals and working to make sure you learn something on the way to accomplishing them. Makes all of us better people.

Paty Jager said...

Thank you, Deb. I believe we can always better ourselves and for me it's learning new things.