Thursday, August 8, 2024

My Favorite Commercial by Lynn Lovegreen

There are a lot of great commercials out there. In my opinion, the best are really creative, humorous, and/or heartwarming. Most of my faves are in the last two categories.


One of my favorite commercials is a well-known one, “The Force” by Volkswagen, 2012. A Star Wars reference, cute kid, and a caring dad are the main ingredients. Here’s a link:


What isn’t as well-known are the Rainier Beer ads from the 1970s and 1980s. They were a big thing when I was in high school, and many Alaskans drank Rainier, so it was a local favorite. Their brand of quirky humor made them fun, and we always looked forward to the next commercial. Here’s a link to my favorite from 1974:


I’m curious to see what others have to share on this topic. If you know a great commercial, drop a link in the comments!


P.S. I give credit to YouTube for the videos.


Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for most of her life. After twenty years in the classroom, she retired to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering for her local library. Her young adult historical romance is set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at



Anonymous said...

GReat commercials, Lynn!

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Thanks! :-)