Wednesday, August 7, 2024

My Least Favorite Ad Campaign

By Robin Weaver 

This month’s theme is about favorite ads, but since my co-bloggers will no doubt cover this topic superbly, I’ve decided to rant about one of my
least favorite ad campaigns. Specifically, Charmin.

Have you seen those “Enjoy the Go” spots? If not, here’s a link:

Seriously, Charmin, do we really want to encourage people to linger in the john?  My philosophy is go fast, flush faster, and turn on the fan. Get your stinky butt, and the aftermath, out of my powder room. As quick as possible

The number two reason (apologies, I’m really not a fan of bathroom humor) I dislike these ads is: the idea of cartoon bear talking about how pleasurable it is to rub his fanny defies logic. When’s the last time you hear a dad say, “My bottom’s been saved?” If you know anyone who gets this much pleasure from TP, please don’t tell me who s/he is.

One of Charmin’s selling points is “it takes less effort to be clean.” Well…Ugh. Just Ugh. I definitely don’t want to know what kind of testing they did to back up that claim.

And even more disturbing, have you taken a look at your TP lately? The roll is shorter.  Don’t believe me? If you have tissue paper left over from the Covid TP Hoard, compare it to the rolls  you bought last week. The tube will be ½ to 1 inch shorter, no matter how wide the roll.  You’ll have to use more paper just to cover your hand.

Once I was alerted to the Shrinking TP Roll Scandal, I became aware it’s not just Charmin. All the major brands are now shorter. Except Costco, who still currently has normal length tissue. (Credit to one Mr. Turner for his keen detection of this heinous bit of price gouging.)

Why have manufacturers become so skimpy? Is there a paper shortage? Have TP makers become environmentally conscious? I think not. I suspect corporations want to make even more money, regardless of whether we enjoy the go.

So Charmin, and all your other non-Costco manufacturers of this essential biological necessity,  if you really want me to enjoy anything, give me back my normal length TP.

We should all rebel. Protest. Stop using… Ugh, let’s not do that.  Let’s write letters instead.

Enjoy going...on vacation, shopping, to the movies, over the edge.  As for "the go," let's keep that private.

Happy Summer,


Judith Ashley said...

Robin, The Charmin commercials since the very beginning (the squeezing one) have been such a turn off I'd rather pay more than purchase their product. I'll have to check the length of the roll. That's something I haven't noticed.

Sarah Raplee said...

I agree with you 100 per cent, Robin and Judith.

Anonymous said...

Lol I agree as well. The commercials are so ridiculous they make me laugh. Enjoyed the read! Like minds :)

Anonymous said...

I say number 2 to the TP manufacturers. Kudos to Robin. Fun blog.

Anonymous said...

Size does matter!!!!