Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Meow, meow, meow ...

This month’s suggested topic, My favourite commercial, was a tough one for me, so I took it as a challenge. You see, I watch very little commercial TV these days. Other than a news program in the early evening, the rest of my TV viewing is via various streaming services. (Though some of those are now subjecting us to ads – I’m looking at you, Prime.)

To recall my favourite TV ad, I had to delve into my memory. Given my poor memory for certain things, this meant a perusal of Google and YouTube. It didn’t take long, though, to find some old favourites. 

Say it with me, kids. Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun. Anyone else have that memorized?

And then there was the carbonated beverage that would teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.

But the ad that gave me the biggest warm & fuzzy feeling is this one:

And the reason I loved it so much was because the last cat in the video was the spitting image of the family cat we had at the time. Gurgi was a lovely boy and a great lap cat. Knowing me, I’m sure I made Gurgi watch that commercial so he could see himself on TV.

Luanna Stewart has been creating adventures for her imaginary friends since childhood. She spends her days writing many flavours of romance. When not torturing her characters, she’s in her kitchen baking something delicious. She lives in Nova Scotia with her patient husband.


Judith Ashley said...

Luanna, a fun post. And you probably remember "Where's the beef?" if you recognized "two all beef patties, etc."

I'm having fun seeing which Genre-istas mainly stream and who, like me are still on regular old t.v. I will say that the Olympics have long stretches of them much to my dismay. I really don't like the split screen with the commercial on the right and a mini-picture of the event on the left.

And at this point in time, the last pickup I'd ever buy is a Toyota. Obnoxious commercials...but I digress.

Sarah Raplee said...

I bet you DID make Gurgi watch himself on TV, Luanna!
We do a combination of cable tv and streaming watching. We're thinking of switching to local channels only and streaming services. Haven't had the time to sort it out yet.