My story telling started years (and years and years) ago. I’m a long way from my childhood home in Tupelo, Mississippi. One day—in that very rural setting with cotton fields in the background and the ever-present hum of insects, my grandmother said something that made a profound impact on my life. “If you don’t stop telling stories, the devil will come up through that ground and get you with his pitchfork.”
By stories, my grandmother
meant lies. Did I mention she’s very southern? So what did I do? Being a smart
butt-in-training, I made up a story about Mr. Satan. I’ve evolved into a schizo
author, writing mystery/romantic suspense and contemporary novels under my real
name Robin Weaver, kinda/sorta. I say kinda/sorta because Robin is my middle
name. I write fantasy/paranormal under my alter ego…eh, I mean pseudonym, Genia
Avers. My first name is actually Sugenia, so SuGenia WeAvers.
Don’t ask me why I added the S.

Because the market was saturated with vamps, my editor suggested I create a new race of people, thus my characters became Dökkálfar (dark elves) and álfar (light elves) who needed crystals that mimic the spectrum created by Earth’s sunlight to survive. Read more at Amazon.comhttp://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Lanatus-Chronicles-Series-ebook/dp/B0085XCJAS/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367267327&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=Forbidden+flame+Genia+avers.

--and most important,
I’m celebrating you, the reader. Most writers are compelled to write, but
nothing is more fulfilling than having someone actually read the words an
author has labored over. Well, except to have the reader LOVE those words.
What about you? Celebrating anything you’ve written (or read) lately?
How true, how true - writing is an altered state of mind. The time slips by and sometimes I don't even hear the phone ring when it's right beside me!
If you haven't downloaded one of Robin's books, do yourself a favor and do so today. You'll love her sense of humor--evident in this post. And, yes, as one of her critique partners, I can attest that she is no longer a smart-butt-in-training. She's graduated! And her snarky humor is something to read and celebrate.
What a lovely journey from your Grandmother's knee to where you are today. Very interesting how you picked your pen name. Wishing you lots of sales!! Enjoyed the post.
I'm raising my glass to you, Robin!
I enjoyed learning how you transformed your vamp-related story into something similar, but much more interesting and unique - that has grown into a series!
Congratulations on all your accomplishments!
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