you believe it’s October already? Before you know it, we’ll be knee deep in
Christmas decorations, if you’re not already buried in tinsel and holly. But
we’ll stick with October (for this week at least), and more importantly...Halloween. The theme on Romancing the Genres is actually “Why I read scary
books/Watch scary movies.”
the truth is, I don’t do either. I don’t watch horror movies or read scary
stories. (My one exception is seeing a few movies based on Stephen King novels,
including The Shining and Carrie (and I’ve actually only seen the end of Carrie).
I did see The Exorcist once and that freaked me out. I think the only scary/horror
book I’ve ever read was Amityville Horror, and that was enough for me.
grew up in the heyday of Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street
franchises. Jason and Freddie Krueger were pop culture icons, but I couldn’t bring
myself to watch them. I just can’t get into blood and gore, and extreme
violence, especially stupid violence. If you hear something in the basement,
why would you go down there? I do remember a time when I was in junior high and
had a sleep over with my friend. She wanted to watch one of the Friday the 13th
movies. I don’t remember which one…could have been 3 or 5 or 6…as they were
pretty much the same. Start with 6 pretty teenagers and by the end there are 6
dead pretty teenagers. Or maybe one does finally get away. I didn’t want to
watch it, but my friend insisted…then spent the entire movie covering her eyes
and asking me to tell her what was happening. Mostly, it was a STUPID movie. It
confirmed my firm belief that I don’t like those kinds of movies.
me a romantic comedy or a drama any day. You can take your scary movies this
month and I’ll just wait for the Hallmark Channel Christmas movies to start. It
should be next week, right?

a FREE book? I’m on Instafreebie where you can download FINDING YOU AT CHRISTMAS. CLICK HERE!
It really annoys me that holiday decorations, etc., are pushed on consumers months ahead of each holiday! I'm with you there, Kristin.
I don't like slasher movies, either. I think many people who do like the special effects or the emotional roller coaster, knowing they are safe. Just a guess on my part.
My all-time favorite scary movie is an old one, The Woman in White. It is not very violent - but talk about scary! It's a who-done-it? ghost story with a spunky young protagonist, terrifying plot and a satisfying ending.PG-13 rating.
I never got the appeal of scary movies/books or roller coasters. Maybe I'm just a wimp. Some of those slasher movies are funny for their over-the-top spewing of blood & guts. I'm with you about decorations up too early. Halloween candy in August??? Christmas in September? Nuts.
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