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A Paranormal Romance Short
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My parents weren't religious and neither am I, so that was never a part of the holiday for us. Instead, it usually meant visiting at least one if not more members of the extended family with only Christmas Day itself spent at home. My sister and I were allowed to decorate the tree once we were old enough to handle the fragile, real glass ornaments, most of which were decades old. Unpacking them each year was almost like revisiting old friends. Of course I had my favourites that got pride of place at the front of the tree, while others were consigned out of sight at the back. That didn't last forever. My parents divorced, and my sister and I moved on and had families of our own.
So part of my inspiration for the story came from my own good memories of Christmas, but especially our current one. Since I've had children of my own, I've continued the tradition of letting the kids decorate the tree. This year they did everything except the lights. We also started a tradition of each year allowing them to buy one new decoration, thus creating a cycle of replacements. This year is the first where I've known that it's had an impact on my children as they commented on the ones they had bought or made before. The fact that they remembered when they'd got them or how old they were when they made them and at what school was a huge inspiration when creating Christmas for my characters, and meant a great deal to me personally. I'm helping build happy memories of Christmas together as a family, something I lost when my parents separated.

So, as I come up to my extended social media break in order to spend time making more memories with my family, I wish you...
Love the pictures, Pippa! Can"t wait to read your story! I do like the cover. Billiant! Happy Holidays!
I took a peak at your Christmas story and before I knew it I'd read straight through to the end! What a heartwarming holiday story!
I fell in love with your characters and now I must read the whole series!
Pippa, I love the pictures in your post and the Cover is beautiful and so appropriate for a scifi holiday story!
My parents didn't separate but we did have the memories shared part of decorating the Christmas tree. While we did put some ornaments on the tree, many of them were antique or were from my parents' first Christmas so much too precious for young children to handle. My Dad's last Christmas we were all together and we did decorate the tree. He was on the couch and directed us until he was just too tired.
I celebrate Solstice now and honor the turning of the wheel of life by reflecting on how I can walk more softly on the earth and what I can do in my yard to support a natural habitat for birds.
Aw, thanks Sarah! I was a bit worried people might struggle with the short without having read the main books so that's reassuring. Happy Holidays!
Thanks Judith. I mark the solstice in my head - perhaps that's something we'd celebrate on other planets too since it's a universal phenomenon. Happy Solstice to you!
I love your blog post and pictures. I will definitely download the free book. Happy Holidays to you and your family, Pippa!
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