Friday, November 1, 2019

Holiday Reading at Romancing The Genres

Hi, I’m Judith Ashley, author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, soul nourishing romantic women’s fiction that honors pagan spiritual practices. My stories show you what life could be like if you had a place like The Circle where you are unconditionally accepted, supported and loved. And where, with this support, you do overcome obstacles and find your happily-ever-after.

Once upon a ti…oops!

Once again Romancing The Genres is Celebrating Holiday Romance Authors and Stories. Most of the Genre-istas will be sharing their favorite holiday authors and stories.

I’m stepping a bit outside that box and giving you the Highlights of our award winning Saturday guest bloggers. Yes, every one of our guests is an award winning author! One thing you can always count on at Romancing the Genres is diversity and variety and this month is no different.

Julie Cameron
When you check back tomorrow (November 2) you’ll meet award winning author, Julie Cameron and learn more about her Christmas Story that has been optioned. What does that mean? We may see a movie based on this story in 2020. Julie also has some great tips for writers - period. And Christmas Spirit turned out to be the first of three novels! One never knows what will happen when one takes a leap of faith!

Sue Moorcroft
Don’t miss out on November 9th and Award Winning Author, Sue Moorcroft’s post. Sue has been our November guest a couple of times. This year she’s sharing how publishers use subtle and not so subtle changes in covers to entice readers. I will confess I follow Sue on Facebook and live vicariously through her visits to Malta.

Collette Cameron
Former Genre-ista, and Award Winning Author, ColletteCameron is our guest on the 16th. Collette writes historical romance. Blog Queen Sarah Raplee is scheduling Collette’s post and shared an unexpected and totally unknown fact (to both of us) about the Scots and Christmas. You won’t want to miss learning this tidbit and experience what makes reading Collette’s books an amazing and looked forward to history lesson. In addition Collette talks about four of her holiday themed books with us!

We’ve a Christmas Anthology to celebrate on November 23!

Christmas Wishes will be released on November 13. Fifteen Best Selling and Award Winning authors from around the world, banded together to write and publish this anthology of sweet, semi-sweet and steamy stories.

And there are a couple of former Aussie Genre-istas included! Namely  Susan Horsnell, Margaret Tanner and Cheryl Wright. Enjoy! Christmas Wishes is up on pre-order now!
Roni Denholtz

Last but not least is another award winning author, Roni Denholtz. Roni’s holiday romance is different because it celebrates Hanukkah. Her post will be live on Saturday November 30. You can check out her website as you wait to learn more. Roni's deadline for turning in her post to me is November 10th. Obviously I wasn't thinking ahead!

And, as I was contemplating what to write about this year, I checked my post from last year. I really really liked it so, here’s the link in case you want to refresh your memory.
Also, you can find all of my books at your favorite e-book vendor. Be sure to ask your local library if you’d prefer to read my books through that resource.

Learn more about Judith's The Sacred Women’s Circle series at

Follow Judith on Twitter: JudithAshley19

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

You can also find Judith on FB! 

© 2019 Judith Ashley


Sue Moorcroft said...

Thanks for such a great shout out, Judith! I'm very much looking forward to joining you again soon. It's always a pleasure. As you know, this has been a busy period for me in North America with books coming out in the US and Canada. I look forward to chatting to Genre-istas when my post goes live on the 9th.

Judith Ashley said...

Sue, we are delighted to have you guest with us again. All is ready for your live post on 11/09!

Deb N said...

Judith - fun post with so much to look forward to this month. And more books to add to my TBR Wish List pile :-)

Cheryl Wright said...

Thanks so much for having our Christmas Wishes box set on your blog, Judith.

I always enjoy visiting you, and this time is no different.

For those wanting to check the set out now, you can see it here (99c for 15 stories!):

Amazon (worldwide)

Everywhere else:

Thanks again, Judith!!

Judith Ashley said...

Deb, we do have some awesome guests this month!

Judith Ashley said...

Cheryl, thanks for putting the links in here so people can pre-order if possible.

Collette Cameron said...

Thanks so much for the mention, Judith!

Susan Horsnell said...

Thank you so very much for posting about the Christmas Wishes Anthology. Your support is very much appreciated.

Judith Ashley said...

Collette and Sue, this is a teaser for your "real posts." Since I've scheduled them, I've been able to read them Looking forward to sharing them with our readers. Sarah and I'll be sending out links the morning your post goes live.

Unknown said...

I love Christmas so love being a part of the Christmas Wishes Anthology. That's for your support :)

Margaret Tanner said...

Thanks Judith for posting about Christmas Wishes, and all your other interesting topics. Yes, I was very proud to be part of romancing the genres, goodness that was a while ago. Best wishes, Margaret Tanner

Judith Ashley said...

It's been years, Margaret. So glad you were with us though or I'd most likely never have "met" you!

Diana McCollum said...

Great post Judith! Enjoyed hearing about all the different genres and Christmas stories.

Sarah Raplee said...

Thanks you for the preview of November's doings at RTG.

Judith Ashley said...

Diana, it was a fun post to put together.

Judith Ashley said...

Sarah, seemed appropriate for November 1st and we had almost every November guest post so it ended up being fairly easy. We do have a nice variety of genres represented.