Friday, April 5, 2024

Three Things I Do Well and A Bit More

 Hi, I’m Judith Ashley, author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, soul nourishing romantic women’s fiction with light paranormal elements. My stories show you what life could be like if you had a place like The Circle where you are unconditionally accepted, supported and loved. And where, with this support, you make choices to overcome the darkest nights of your life to choose love and light.

One might think this would be an easy-peasy topic but for someone who was raised with the message it was WRONG to toot one’s own horn, it can be a struggle. So I asked my Very Best Friend in the Whole World what she thought were three things I do well.

Well, she didn’t want to tell me three things I DO well. So instead she told me three things/traits she thinks I have in abundance.

Her list:

    Since I consider loyalty a non-negotiable trait in my close relationships, I totally agree with her on this one.

I vividly remember the few times I lied in my younger years. I got caught. Needless to say, the embarrassment was worse than the consequences. It just isn’t worth it. Having said that there are times when I emphasize something beyond what’s the actual fact in my life. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve done that.

I look for the best, the brightside, the upside. For the most part, I give people the benefit of the doubt. I’ve found that a Gratitude practice helps me deal with those days that are more challenging.

I don’t disagree with that list and am not surprised to Not See patience. I may not be totally lacking in that trait however I do not have anywhere near an abundance of it. In fact, right now as in today, it is in Short Supply. Does it help? No, being impatient doesn’t help nor does it speed things up. The saying “Accepting Life on Life’s Terms” is a daily challenge for me.

I have worked diligently over the decades to be able to toot my own horn so here are mine.

1.     Planning, Organizing and Implementing
Disorganization is painful especially now when a health issue or two prevents me from getting in and getting it done. The sense of accomplishment at the end of a project is a euphoric high for me.

2.     Seeing the other side of an issue
This ‘skill’, while it serves me well, also gets me into a bit of trouble at times because it is extremely easy for me to play “Devil’s Advocate” and sometimes my friends just want to vent.

3.     Regularly checking in with myself on my efforts to live by my Core Values/Beliefs.
There have been times in my life when I’m not as ‘on purpose’ with this one and it shows up in all phases of my life including a good night’s sleep. My Core Beliefs are about living a mindful life
and include such things as

“We each have our own path and have the right to traverse it   without righteous interference from others.”

“There is enough ~ I have enough and always will.”

Whether it is the list my friend made or my own, when I look at one accomplishment that brings me great joy – my writing – I can see these traits and deeds in each of the stories. A Sacred Women’s Circle is founded on the traits of loyalty, honesty, abundance (enough) and acceptance (the other side of an issue) among others.

How do you organize your life?
How do you deal with difficult situations?
Where do you rely on your Core Values to see you through a tough time?

You can find my books at your favorite e-book vendor as well as through my website and Windtree Press. Print books are available at Jan’s Paperbacks in Beaverton, OR and Arte Soleil in Portland, OR. Get the addresses from my website. And be sure to ask your library if you’d prefer to read my books through that resource.

Learn more about Judith's The Sacred Women’s Circle series at

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

You can also find Judith on FB! 

© 2024 Judith Ashley


Deb N said...

Judith, I totally agree with your friend that you have those three traits...and I might them well. And your self-observed traits are so true, as well. Lovely blog.

Judith Ashley said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Deb. Overall I'm pleased with how I live my life. I know it would be a bit (if not a lot) more calm if I better cultivated "patience". Perhaps before I die?

Diana McCollum said...

Judith I agree with your friend on your traits. But I also agree with you on what you consider your three best traits.
You are a wonderful individual, and I'm lucky to call you my friend.