What's new for you in 2022?
Well, as my title says, hopefully I'll write a(nother) book!
The tune from Rodgers and Hammerstein's 1940 hit "Pal Joey" is a love song of course, but a few lines from the lyrics speak to my mindset:
But my busy mind is burning to use what learning I've got
I won't waste any time
I'll strike while the iron is hot
Those are my hopes for 2022: not wasting time and striking while the iron is hot so to speak.
Maybe I would have developed writer's block anyway, who knows, but I can conveniently blame Covid-19 and its destructive siblings Alpha, Delta, and Omicron for my lack of output and motivation over much of 2020 and 2021.
I'm once again using the Cultivate What Matters goal-setting system. Even though I wasn't filling out all the reflection work each month or quarter as the system urges one to do, I bought it again this year because my goals I had set were always in my mind, even if I wasn't always faithful about recording it all. My goals for 2022 are more similar to 2021 than not. This could be read as an indication that I failed 2021, that I didn't accomplish all that much. But the truth is that some of my goals don't lend themselves to being checked off or completed in full over the course of a single year.The one writing goal that could have been completed but wasn't is the publication of my third full Clubmobile Girls novel. My intention is to finish and publish it this year, come what may. But I'm celebrating that I learned how to write a novelette and published it in 2021 (and I now have the barebones start on 3 other novelettes to complete a quartet of stories). I've also got new branding in the form of new cover-art that will be released this year. I'm waiting until I can reveal the cover for Book 3 before then announcing the new cover-art for my first 2 novels -- but truthfully I'm so excited by the new look of my covers that I may not wait much longer. My hope is that these new covers will speak to a wider network of readers as they are more in keeping with the look and feel of other WWII fiction released in the last couple of years. Watch my social media and blog for my new cover-art reveals in the coming months!
My goals for 2022 are varied, as Cultivate What Matters encourages people to evaluate many facets of their personal, working, and leisure lives. Whatever your goals are for 2022, I hope you find joy, peace, fulfillment, and pride in all that you do!
You can find my Clubmobile Girls series on Amazon. Learn more about me on my website, or on my social media accounts through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Eleri, you are one among many who did not check off their 2020 and 2021 goals. I hadn't heard of the "Cultivate What Matters" program. It seems similar to one that I've used "The High Performance Planner" in that it helps one focus on more than just producing product. Looking forward to seeing the new covers! and reading #3.
Thanks Judith - I do take comfort in knowing that I'm not alone in having my world upended a bit over the last 2 years.
Oh, Eleri, you are definitely not alone! I've found it terribly hard to focus on writing a book. Thus mine has not been finished. I'm hopeful that 2022 will be a more uplifting and productive year. Looking forward to seeing your new covers.
Happy New Year!
You did a great job on staying flexible and focusing on what's really important. Good luck with 2022, Eleri!
Eleri - I can so relate. I basically just cut and pasted my 2021 goals into 2022. But exciting news is that I have actually already checked things off after over a year of crawling like a snail. So, there is hope. Love to hear more about your novelette.
I certainly love the concept of "Cultivate What Matters." I hadn't heard of it used as a planner and way to reflect.
As others have said you are certainly not alone in being unable to write during this pandemic. I do know a few people who actually wrote more books--they used writing as an escape from everything else. I am not one of those. I fond myself emotionally exhausted from pandemic-related things and just gave myself permission to do other things than writing a new book.
You will find your way back to writing when you know you can't stand not writing. That may be several months after your new job starts or maybe even not until 2023. Stay flexible, listen to your heart, and you will chose what is best for you.
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